Growing up, in middle school and high school I remember girls coming to school on Tuesday's shrieking over what happened on last night's episode of "The Bachelor". They talked about how Ashley I. kissed him first or they could not believe Emily T. said that one thing to Sarah H. and I always walked away from those conversations very confused by these conversations of generic names and gossip.
Coming from a Christian upbringing as well, I remember Pastors, or small group leaders saying "It's not healthy to watch 'The Bachelor.' That isn't love!" I held that superiority that I was doing the right thing by not watching this show that confused so many women about love...
As Chris Harrison would say....
I came to college and was invited to a dorm hangout watching "The Bachelor" in our movie room, I was skeptical, but I also figured it was okay to watch this season because one of the contestants, Lauren Bushnell, had attended our college, Whitworth University so it added an element of "we know her!". Little did I know that would be the night I'd be sucked in.
I had to know who was going to end up with Ben, and not only that I loved reacting to all the craziness with 20 other girls. If something shocking happened, the chorus of "WHAT NO SHE DIDN'T" would ensue, or the sound of a unified "awwwww" when a rose would be handed to our fellow Pirate (Whitworth's mascot).
That's what makes "The Bachelor" great. Not the roses, not the drama, not even the so-called "love."
It's the community.
Whether any of the Bachelors or Bachelorette's ever find love is an argument for another time. It's the bond so many across the country have found together in rooting people on in their pursuit of love. It's crying together as a girl get's sent home because we all have experienced that kind of breakup. It's the cheers of joy when the crazy girl gets left on the island because we all have met an Olivia at one point.
I'm not saying "The Bachelor" is for everyone, but if you're a college student who is struggling to find something to do on a Monday night get a group together and just have a night of no worries. Laugh harder than you've ever expected. Let yourself get caught up in the ridiculousness of it all, why? Because it's fun. And if you shed a few tears, we've all been there.
In the words of Chris Harrison, "Next week on 'The Bachelor'!"