College is a time of confusion and finding yourself beginning your path to professionalism. Over the 4 years, you grow as a person physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. The end goal is to graduate within those four years and to begin a career in your field. Some students stay might be longer depending on their situation but the end goal for a student is to graduate, any means necessary.
When you begin as a freshman you are still set in your high school ways of behavior. Dorms and other college freshman affirm this behavior, but when you step out and are surrounded by other adults you learn this has to come to and end. College teaches you how to be a grown-up while still being a "kid." You are not fully independent of your parents, although some might be, you still go home for holidays and relay how you are doing in your classes. College acts as a "playground" of sorts to figure out who you want to be as a graduate. The first year is when you find your lifelong friends and begin to understand the responsibilities of being an adult.
Progressing forward your sophomore and junior years are all about making the decision of the field you want to be in and sticking to it. It is a great idea to have an idea of what you want to do as a freshman but not mandatory. Choosing your major sophomore year is not the foreign territory and many times your passion changes from freshman year to sop more year. Once that major coursework has begun it is usually set that is your major and you should stick with it. This is not a rule but who wants to complete gen eds over again?
Lastly, senior year the culmination of 3 years of hard work prior. Senior year feels like the last hurrah to your 16+ years of going to school. The job hunt has begun and you are looking forward to graduation. If you have made it this far you understand the journey was not easy and was riddled with tribulations. Aside from your school work, life happens with family and friends passing, friends dropping out, and extracurriculars. The balance of social, work and school life must be applauded. College is more than just school it's about becoming a fully functioning member of society who contributes value.
College is an experience unrivaled from late nights studying for finals or just out shooting the breeze with friends. It is a place to grow and understand the direction of your life.