With just a month left of summer, I’m sure every incoming college freshman is starting to feel anxious. Moving in to college is a big step, and it’s normal for students to be afraid and not know what to expect. While I prepare for my sophomore year, I think I can offer some advice to any nervous freshman.
10. Talk to everyone
Get to know the people sitting by you in your classes. Even friend them on Facebook, you never know when you’re going to need to ask someone about an assignment. Also, if you are going to be in a communal bathroom do not be afraid to chat with the other people on your floor while you’re getting ready for bed. You may even want to leave your door propped open, that’s a great way to meet the other people on your floor.
9. Avoid the freshman 15
Do not go overboard on ice cream and pizza. Try to eat some healthier options in your school cafeteria.
8. Sleep
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
As obvious as it sounds, it still needs to be said. Do not try to stay up until 3:00 a.m, for any reason and then try to go to your 8:00 a.m class. Learn from my experience. Your body needs more than two cups of coffee and an hour long nap after class.
7. Call home
It does not matter how busy you are, reach out to the people that moved you into your dorm and miss you every day. Even if it is a quick text to your parents or siblings, keep in touch. Being away from home is just as hard on Mom and Dad.
6. Remember that you are there to learn
Socializing in college is one of the most fun experiences you will ever have. But, you will also need to make time for studying. Do not try to do homework and hang out with friends at the same time, unless they are also doing homework. Do not procrastinate, college is full of fun activities and when someone asks if you want to play sand volleyball, you’ll be happy you did your English reading.
5. Laundry Day
Learn from my experience: do not go weeks without doing laundry. If you do not want a day full of laundry then just do one load every few days. Do not wait until you’re on your last pair of underwear, because laundry takes a lot longer than I thought it would. Also, try to refrain from driving home and having your mom do it.
4. Get along with your roommate(s)
You do not have to be friends with your roommate (although it certainly helps), but you will want to get along with them. Living with another person can be a fun experience if you make it one. Talk to them before move in day and get excited about decorating your shared space! Also, remember to be considerate. If he/she is trying to study or is on the phone then you do not need to be making a lot of noise. Respect him/her, and they will respect you in return.
3. Try not to go home too often
Those of us that stayed within driving distance of our parents need to try not to go home too often. As homesick as you may be it will not help to run home every time you miss your family. I tried to limit my trips home to school breaks and a few random weekends, especially if there was something going on at home.
2. Stay true to yourself
Don’t feel pressured to do anything you do not want to do. Be yourself and find a group of friends that respect you and what you believe in.
1. Enjoy the year
My freshman year went by in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the year and enjoy all of the memories that are going to be made.