No matter how many articles you read online to prepare yourself for college, there's not one article that can truly tell you what the college experience is like. You think you're going to be like Elle Woods. Kill it in all your classes, workout while studying, become close with your professors, meet a cute older guy, and whatever else. In reality, no matter how smart you are you're going to be stressed more than you've ever been. It is really hard to have a steady workout routine with different class times, exams to study for, and honestly just finding the motivation. You'll be lucky if the professors even remember your name in their lecture of 200+ students. Most of the boys you'll meet are immature and just want to mess around. You also meet best friends who will last a lifetime. You will have fun stories to hide from your parents. You will be learning about what you actually choose to learn about and get to start doing what you want to be doing for the rest of your life. College is a rollercoaster, but it's one that you will be sad about when the ride is over.
3. When you've been studying math all day and still don't know anything
Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by math.
4. Studying late the night before your exam because you're ~procrastinaty af~
...and you still do well so it's a win-win... kinda.
6. Two weeks into a new semester when all you have left in your backpack is one almost-dead pen, a dirty wrapped piece of gum, and random pages in your lit notebook
I forgot to bring a pencil to my Spanish final freshman year. A pencil.
8. When you don't make the Dean's List
I mean Steve Jobs dropped out so not making the Dean's List isn't even a big deal, right?
10. When you and your friends are all finally happy with their outfits to go out
... one hour after you planned on leaving.
11. When you get all ready and end up being denied at a frat party
Who cares if I'm not on the list? I'm EXTREMELY likeable. It's HUGE.
12. Being sad when Jack from Sigma Beta Phi doesn't snap you after last night
Honey, he probably doesn't even remember your name. Move on.
13. When the bouncer asks you questions about your ID
I didn't memorize this for nothing, this is my moment.
15. When your friends ask if you want to get food after going out but you just want to go to bed
"I have a mac 'n cheese cup in my room."
18. Graduation
I personally haven't graduated yet, but I know when I do I will definitely cry during my last Jump Around as a student.
College is a learning experience both academically and socially. The key to success is learning good time management, learning how to be independent, and having fun!