Here are some things I thought I would share with everyone, to help them have an even better experience in college:
1. Bring your computer with you to classes
Too many pages
GiphyMost classes allow you to bring computers in to take notes and that is something I wish I had learned earlier. Like most people, I can type faster than I can write, which makes it easier to copy down notes, and even easier when I am able to look at the powerpoint on my own screen. Otherwise you will have thousands of pieces of paper that you have to search through for a section of notes
2. Its better to study alone than with a bunch of friends
Study time
GiphyI was always the one friend that couldn't study with a group of people and sometimes couldn't say no because I felt terrible about it. As the school year went on I realized that it was OK, I just needed to do what worked for me and everyone was ok with that.
3. Become friends with the people who live next to you so you don't have to deal with noise
Too loud
GiphyThis is something I wish I had done my freshman and sophomore year of college, my neighbors were very loud and definitely messed up my sleep schedule on the weekend. By knowing your neighbors it makes it easier for you to ask them to quiet down, and you might even make a friend in the end.
4. Turn off all technology when working
I never thought that my phone would ever be something that could draw me away from my work, but it always did without me even realizing. By turning it off I never got distracted by notifications and never had to worry about getting caught up in a group chat.
5. Give yourself Friday and Saturday off
Free weekend
GiphyI always thought in my first year that I shouldn't go out, but just do work and stay in. I found out that it was fine to stay in for the most part, but every now and then I needed to give my brain and body a time to relax. Whether it is going out to dinner with friends or going to a small party, a mental break is a great way to restart yourself before working hard the next day.
6. Reward yourself
Food time
GiphyI always do this after I complete an assignment or when I would a practice question right for a test. This way I could reward myself while still getting work done. For me, the best reward was food or chocolate, but others could be a 15-minute break every time you finished an assignment or a scroll through 10 pictures on Instagram.
7. Don't worry about being undeclared
GiphyWhen people always asked me what my major was, for the longest time I responded with undeclared and I almost viewed it as some horrendous word. But looking back, it really was just a way for me to figure out what interested me and what didn't. So don't feel rushed or pressured into deciding.
8. Stay Single
Love yourself
GiphyBeing surrounded by lots of couples, I understand the want to be in a relationship. I've learned that the best thing to do is care for yourself and wait for the right one to come into your life, as cheesy as it sounds it's true. Being single does have benefits though, it allows you to focus on your major and not worry about having to divide your time between school and your relationship.
9. Set a sleep schedule
Sleep time
GiphyBefore the first week back to classes I always try to set a sleep schedule that gives me time before my classes, but still gives me enough hours of sleep that night. Even though it sounds like something that is used for elementary school kids, a sleep schedule helps you plan everything out in order to get everything done in time and is beneficial to your mind and body as well.
10. Schedule a time to talk to friends and family
Call mom
GiphyEveryone knows that parents, siblings, and friends can sometimes do things that annoy you, but you have to love them anyway. So, the least you could do is call them once a week and give them a shortened life update. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it may mean the world to the person on the other end of the phone. Whenever I called my dad it always ended up brightening his day. It's also the least you could do since most students are having their tuition paid by family, so a phone call shows that you care.