Collection of My Existential Rants About Life | The Odyssey Online
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Collection of My Existential Rants About Life

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Collection of My Existential Rants About Life
Truth + Fire

With three sections, 1. Addressing Reality 2. Psychological Mechanics of Religion, and 3. Black Holes/Singularities/Anomalies, I present a brief collection of my own existential essays I've jot down over the years in response to the "Bigger" questions in life. Feel free to challenge my thoughts in the comments below!

Addressing Reality


Sometimes we become so absorbed in this man-made fantasy we've created for ourselves that we forget how tiny and insignificant it all really is. It's important to keep in perspective, that we've barely uncovered anything, let alone gaining a thorough understanding of it. What we've discovered thus far, has opened gateways to eerie wonders we could not have imagined in our wildest dreams. It's hard to accept that everything around us is brought to life because of us and our own cognitive ability, and it's a little creepy to sit here and read this article, realizing that everything around you, everything you've known, everything you've ever felt, doesn't exist. Where the hell are we? *P.S. read this in slow motion while listening to the "Interstellar" theme music, it gives it a dramatic/eureka touch*


The beauty of our universe lies in her plethora of mind boggling mysteries. Sure, we may "rule" this world, but how many of us have ever stopped to question what this "world" is? Probably not many, considering the majority of this generation is more intrigued by cute online kittens, twerking, and consumed in passions regarding "controversial issues" that are so insignificant in comparison to what lies beyond that it gives me a headache trying to even put that into perspective for others to envision. How belittling is it to call ourselves the "supreme human race" the advanced species of planet earth who choose to use their conscious abilities that allow them to question and reason, to go to merciless battle with one another, while chuckling at the "immature" "barbaric" behavior displayed by other animals we fight so hard to distinguish ourselves from, via faith, as we mimic them freehandedly. It's sad that the majority of people won't bother reading this. It's too long and not discussing turning up or relationship drama or some pointless event that I've endured today. I'm talking about something that a lot of us don't care to question and I'm curious about why that is. Why is it so hard for our intelligent race to actually care about what the hell we're actually doing here and where exactly "here" is? Why are we so concerned about who's a democrat and who's a republican, or who decides to swap their gender and why? I don't care about how many donuts Ariana Grande can lick and I certainly do not care about committing any "sins" aka random acts that somewhere someone decided were wrong and that everyone else should think they're wrong too-wouldn't be a new perspective for humans to adopt by any means...I don't understand why so many of us choose to be ignorant, just to feel safe, and to feel importance. People make me sick. Keep your standardized test results and your straight "A" transcripts to yourselves and as you look them over and feel proud of yourself, remember that those A's hail from a man-made alphabet, those numbers that make up your scores, belong to a theoretically man-made conceptual system which we have developed to consciously evaluate the world around us. Most importantly, remember that your magnificent transcript and wonderful achievements still don't answer the who what where, when and why of your entire existence. But I'm sure we can all manage to make one up out of laziness.This is why I can't befriend the average teen. *eyeroll*


Why can't I be a plant? Honestly, I would love to just sit there, looking great, having others taking care of me and wowing at how awesome I am...Why do human beings make life so difficult? What even is calculus and why do we need it, DNA replication, it'll happen regardless of whether or not we're tested on it, and poetry should be admired not analyzed and written about in depth. I would like to take a few minutes to breathe and shout out to the world that I don't even know what I don't know and I realize that this essay has no flow and the ending has nothing to do with the beginning but in my defense this is what happens when you stare at a textbook for 5 hours straight and I am TOTALLY NOT PROCRASTINATING right now...I'm all about that plant life...

Psychological Mechanics of Religion


I agree that humans are selfish to our very core, and that's exactly why I stand by my sin perspective. It ties into the human inability to see things from another’s perspective. We're all ethnocentric individuals who believe that there's only one true way to live, whether that be tied with logic and science, or faith and intuition. But there isn't, and I am no exception to this ethnocentric "disease" you can say. But regarding sin, what's sinful to one, is not necessarily sin to another, that being said whether we scare people into doing "the right thing" or not, people are going to get hurt regardless. Yes it's important to focus on the small, sweet, things in life, because it's the beauty of what makes us human. We've been gifted the ability to consciously observe and experience our world on a profound level (or so we think, considering we can't see 95% of the matter that makes up the universe, I wouldn't really call us the hotshots of anything really). I wouldn't say that I'm frustrated about the world not being perfect, the world isn't, and never will be, and that's just a simple side effect of entropy. However, I am very frustrated over ignorance. I may not know everything there is to know, but I accept that, and I want answers to those mysteries that remain unanswered because at the end of the day, the big things do matter. Yeah we're going to die anyway, but if that's the case why focus on the small things then? Why kill each other, why hurt one another, why make up morals and laws and social standards and follow faiths and educate ourselves and explore? The big things matter because there's more than just our tiny corners of the world, so much more, and people choose to just ignore it sometimes because they A. just don't believe in it B. it's too complex to comprehend C. It's insignificant. We are living in a world completely governed by science, because even our abilities to experience emotions and ability to comprehend faith and follow it, believe in it, wonder about our existence-it's all human psychology, and ultimately all science. Instead of asking the big questions and putting our minds together to figure something out, we're still rioting over the color of our skin, despite the fact that color is just a figment of our imaginations and doesn't even exist. So, what then, aren't we literally fighting over absolutely nothing? Fighting over imaginary borders we've drawn on maps of a magical orb floating in darkness, orbiting a fire ball?


Humans need closure. We need to feel safe and secure, seek approval, and need guidance and insurance that everything will be okay in the end. That, is what religion provides those who choose to follow it. Everybody is an atheist in the eyes of contrasting religions, but to the followers, this is insignificant, because once again that sense of ethnocentrism dominates and the thought of their path being the one true way, overpowers the perceptions of anyone else. Religion offers sanctuary. Just because all humans are consciously aware doesn't mean that they're all ready to go out and explore what lies beyond; it's frightening looking up at the sky and feeling so insignificant and miniscule, and endangered nonetheless. In regards to those fears, to look up into the sky and train yourself to ardently believe that you have someone more powerful than you, protecting you, and watching over you, offers relief. Think of it like being a kid and looking up to your parents who you trust will watch over and protect you from harms way. Religion also gives people a "reason to live" and significance. "God chose humans..." "We should do this because God wants us to..." "When we die, we're going to live in heaven, with God/Allah/whoever the religion worships" Psychological fact is, humans need to feel accepted, and must be given importance. Religion offers both, acceptance from God and importance as his children, who are such profound beings that they must live on in an afterlife because how can life just end? Everything mysterious about this universe is "bandaged up" by religion. It can be viewed as a coping method, taking all your problems and tossing them onto the shoulders of a power larger than oneself, or seen as a preferred way of life by those who need to hold onto that idea of being watched over. Regardless of it's existence, I do not think it offers the human world divine morals that we should all live by, because it inadvertently turns us even more selfish. Under a religion, many don't do kind things to simply do kind things, they do them to achieve something in return, to get on God's good side, to attain a sense of spirituality, to feel accomplished, and to get to heaven, paradise, again, it depends on the religion. I will quote that line from P.K. in english because it is my favorite bollywood dialogue ever, "Someone says there's one God, another says there's five, I say there's two; one who created us, and another who you created yourselves. And he is exactly like all of you. God doesn't need our protection, he can protect himself."

Black Holes/Singularities/Anomalies


The answer is a WHITE hole. In a black hole you have your event horizon, your inner horizon, and ultimately the singularity, or "heart" of the black hole. Obviously our physics breaks down at the event horizon (which also ties into the theory of Biocentralism and the "conscious universe", which is basically a super fancy way of saying "Matrix, bitch." Obviously through quantum mechanics we now know or think we know that the entire universe is energy and through cognitive consciousness we "bring it to life" and thus, math, physics, and everything we use to decode the universe is actually like taking something you made up and applying it to something else you made up, which again is completely theory, but it's still fascinating.) ANYWAY back to the point, physics might break down at the event horizon because no human being is consciously aware of what lies beyond, therefore we cannot even envision the laws of nature that would exist beyond, because we are not predisposed to them. It's like me telling you to write me a novel in Japanese. But. Back to the white hole much digression....a white hole spits matter out, unlike the black hole which sips it all in. At the heart of a black hole, you have all the elements necessary to give birth to a baby universe, and the manner in which a white hole spits these essential universe ingredients out, is analogous to the way the "big bang" occurred. So our universe, could have been born inside a black hole. Now, let's just imagine how many universes are being made right now in our slice of time, in all the black holes scattered in the milky way alone.
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