Following in the footsteps of the Obama Administration, the Trump Administration has reached a record high in civilian casualties or “collateral damage”. The Department of Defense claim that drones are “precise and limited in terms of collateral damage” is wrong. “Collateral damage” is more than a number on a report, it represents the number of innocent civilians who were trapped in the crossfire. They each had their own personal life, dreams, desires and family. Their untimely death disrupts their families and creates unnecessary fear throughout their population, fear that death could come at anytime from anywhere. Fear of instantaneous death and loss ultimately turns into resentment towards the source of such a harsh and deadly punishment.
This does not mean that we should simply let terrorists roam free in the Middle East. If America is acting on foreign soil, then we must create a more effective means of achieving this security that doesn’t depend upon the blood of innocent. As a first world nation, we must accept personal responsibility for the innocent blood splattered on our hands. It doesn’t matter what political party or candidate controls the office, our humanity should come first and we should be doing all in our power to eliminate any “collateral damage”. America or any first world nation does not have the right to be judge, jury, and executioner for someone who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our actions, regardless of whether or not they are conducted overseas, should be held to the same standard. Any country committing such actions must admit that their actions have detrimental consequences and that they directly affect the lives of the innocent.
If any developed world were to continue with such atrocities, then we have become no different from the evil that we seek to destroy. The only difference separating us being our means to achieve such destruction.