Colin Kaepernick Nike Ad
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Politics and Activism

99 Things That Are More Important Than Colin Kaepernick's Nike Ad

Systemic racism in health care.


On September 3rd, Nike released that their new face of their brand for the year would be Colin Kaepernick. You know, the guy who kneels during the National Anthem because of the wrongful killings of people of color and the overall systemic racism in America.

People are outraged.

I mean, people are burning shoes, cutting up logos, ripping clothing items in half, just to show Nike their disapproval in their form of a 'boycott." I honestly think that everyone is letting things get totally out of perspective. Let me just shine a little light on the things that are much more important in this world than one NFL player's personal opinions.

1. Poverty in America

2. Veterans that are homeless or living in poverty

3. The ever growing and alarming rate of Veteran suicide

4. Lack of care and understanding for PTSD patients

5. Children starving all over the world

6. Children starving in the United States

7. HIV epidemic that still exists in parts of the world

8. Lack of access to vaccinations in Africa

9. Lack of freedom in North Korea

10. Lack of proper healthcare all over the world

11. Lack of proper healthcare in the United States

12. Heroine and opioid epidemic

13. Honeybee extinction 

14. Poor education in urban schools

15. Plastic in the oceans

16. Ever-growing trend of mental health problems in teens

17. Anti-vaxxers and the spread of diseases thought dead

18. Reconstruction of Puerto Rico

19. Global warming

20. Polar bear extinction

21. Ice caps melting and oceans rising

22. Flint Water Crisis

23. Extermination of Native American tribes, culture, tradition, and sacred lands

24. Immigration camps

25. Pedophilic priests 

26. Pedophiles trying to get into the LGBT+ community

27. Gay rights and equality

28. Feminism

29. Systemic racism in healthcare

30. Systemic racism in politics

31. Systemic racism in education

32. Systemic racism in the political justice system

33. Systemic racism in housing

34. Racists

35. Rapists

36. Wage gap

37. Glass escalator and glass ceiling

38. Sexual harassment

39. #MeToo movement

40. Horrible things Trump says

41. Actually anything Trump says

42. Actually just Trump in general

43. Overpriced textbooks

44. Overpriced health foods

45. Overpriced feminine products

46. Overpriced birth control for males and females

47. Adolescent suicide and bullying

48. Mass shootings

49. War

50. Ridiculous inflation in college tuition 

51. Lack of trade workers

52. LGBT+ conversion camps

53. Mike Pence

54. Betsy DeVos

55. Poor funding for public schools

56. Poor funding for the arts

57. Teachers valuing sports over education of students

58. Lack of scholarships for deserving students

59. Perceptions of beauty and the media

60. Sex trafficking

61. Roseanne Barr

62. Pink tax

63. Everyone killing everyone

64. Excessive number of animals in animal shelters

65. Poor treatment of animals

66. Pitbull and other big dog stereotypes

67. Cropping of dogs' ears

68. Clipping of dogs' tails

69. Dog fighting

70. Declawing cats

71. Food waste in America

72. Plastic EVERYTHING

73. Obese America

74. High fructose corn syrup

75. Over processed food

76. Fake meat being posed as real meat

77. Oil in oceans

78. Coral reefs dying

79. Poaching of endangered animals

80. Air pollution

81. Lack of child labor laws in developing countries

82. Lack of fair treatment of workers

83. Unions

84. The overworking of nurses leading to burnout and mistakes in healthcare

85. Lack of proper screening for gun sales

86. Lack of affordable mental health help

87. Where is the cure for cancer???

88. Weed is still illegal

89. Breast cancer

90. Ovarian and uterine cancer

91. Prostate cancer

92. Actually, all caner

93. Sex scandels

94. Heart attacks and strokes

95. Lack of people willing to donate organs, blood, or bone marrow

96. Poor access to pre and postnatal care

97. Poor access to safe abortions

98. Lack of affordable healthcare and insurance

99. Literally anything else.

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