11. "How the hell did we have such a good thing, and let it slip away?" - "20 in a Chevy." | The Odyssey Online
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17 Lyrics Cole Swindell Crooned On 'All Of It' That Had All Of Us Swooning

His new album will make you realize you loved your eighth grade crush a little too late #SorryNotSorry.

17 Lyrics Cole Swindell Crooned On 'All Of It' That Had All Of Us Swooning

Ah, country guys. There's nothing quite like them. I remember I was at a house party with some close friends (mind you, I was a little tipsy) and I heard the song "Flatliner" by Cole Swindell. I somehow got a hang of the chorus before the song ended (after 4 shots of tequila) and started screaming, "She's a little heartstopper..." freaking TF out over this red-headed country singer I knew nothing about. How in the world had I never come across him with the amount of country music I annoy my roommate with?

Anyway, he just released an album a few days ago titled, "All of It" and I've been listening to ALL OF IT (pun intended) for the past few days, and you should be too, love. Before you ignore this recommendation because you despise country music (I still don't understand how anyone could hate country music *sigh*), here are 17 lyrics from the album that'll have you wanting him to be your "small town boy...":

1. "While I'm dying here tonight, staring goodbye in the face. Saying I love you too late." - "Love You Too Late."

2. "Strawberry blonde that she got from her mama, blowin' out the window, then she's gone in a beautiful blur." - "Her."

3. "Girl, I wish you'd just hit me with that pretty little get me through tomorrow smile." - "All of It."

4. "It's your lips on my lips. I wonder if you ever miss 20 in a Chevy on a two-lane." - "20 in a Chevy."

5. "Nothin' fallin' but your hair, the stars, and me. Now we're just smalltown history." - "20 in a Chevy."

6. "Hey, angel here on Earth, did it hurt? Was my go-to line." - "Sounded Good Last Night." 

7. "'Cause somebody somewhere's probably fallin' in love." - "Reason to Drink."

8. "Might fall in love with a pretty little thing in some tore up jeans." - "Both Side of the Mississippi." 

9. "Even if I knew you'd be the one that got away, I'd still go back and get you." - "Break Up in the End."

PSA: I literally couldn't listen to this song when writing this article because it makes me cry EVERY FREAKING TIME... You could honestly just put all of the lyrics to "Break Up in the End" in this article, and you'd be swooning the whole time.

10. "But you know if you come over, I cannot let you in. Even though we'll break up in the end." - "Break Up in the End."

Brings you to tears, right? I cannot tell if it's sweet or just straight up rips your heart out and makes you miss a relationship you never had.

11. "How the hell did we have such a good thing, and let it slip away?" - "20 in a Chevy."

12. "That sot on the map of your heart when you need to slow down. You be my whole world, I'll be your small town." - "I'll Be Your Small Town."

13. "You be the shootin' star, I'll be the wisher. That back road flyin', wind blowin' through your hair." - "I'll Be Your Small Town. 

14. "Somebody's been drinkin' and got to thinkin' 'bout us. It's just the cherry bombs talkin' when you're hittin' me up." - "Somebody's Been Drinkin'."

15. "I can't take back what I never said but if I could, damn, I would." - "Love You Too Late."

16. "All the boys wanna date, they can't, 'cause I ain't ever ever gonna give her a reason to leave. 'Cause all I need is her." - "Her."

17. "Feel all your teardrops drippin' on me. The sad ones, the happy ones. I want every one you got." - "All of It."

Now, if these songs/lyrics don't make you want your own Cole Swindell, who even are you?

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