Whether you're a cold hearted soul or just have cold feet, here are 10 things perpetually cold people will understand:
1. Your wardrobe mainly consists of jeans, boots and long sleeve shirts no matter the weather.
Most of those items are usually black. Because after all, black does absorb heat.
2. You always wear socks to bed.
And at sleepovers if you don't wear socks to bed, friends will act like it's a 2319.
3. You sleep with three or more blankets, regardless of what's happening outside your window.
It could be a record breaking heat wave and you'll still be wrapped up in a sheet, a heavier blanket than a sheet but not as heavy as a comforter, a comforter and an additional blanket on top.
4. Holding hands can become a problem.
Actually, just physical contact in general. Whether with family, friends or a significant other, you're often asked to wear gloves when in any situation involving physical contact.
Additional tip: The cute flirty phrase "Well, maybe you can warm them up.." only works once. After they see your hands do not warm up, it raises more alarming concern than feelings of endearment.
5. During the winter, your hands and feet turn various shades of purple/blue/orange/white.
While the look on people's faces never gets old while you explain to them that yes, this is normal, you still keep your doctor's number on speed-dial...just in case your Raynaud's Syndrome decides to turn into hypothermia.
6. You always take a sweatshirt/sweater/jacket/flannel with you whenever you leave the house in case it gets cold.
Even when it's sunny and 95 degrees out. You never know.
7. When you do feel warm, you immediately think you have the flu.
Only to find after you bombard friends to feel your forehead or take your temperature that you're finally exhibiting symptoms of a healthy and normal human being.
8. The day when the heat in your house/apartment changes over to air conditioning is the day you've been training for.
Still, a warning would have been nice.
9. Your roommates know exactly who to lock out of the apartment when it's a balmy 89 degrees in the room.
Relationships will be tested when it comes to the thermostat. Good luck.
10. But, like my grandmother always said: Cold hands, warm heart.