I don't know about everyone else but my heater has already been running. The time of the year that I dread the most is right around the corner. I am contemplating buying a heated jacket as I have heard this is suppose to be our worst winter yet. Shout out to climate change and mother nature.The only part I look forward to is Christmas and winter break. Anyways I wanted to grace you with a list of 5 things I hate about winter and then 5 of my favorite winter memes. Here goes nothing.
1. "Fake Sweater"
The parts I dread the most is the cold and fake sweater. I just want to quickly give a rant on my loathe for "fake sweaters." I do not understand why it exists and needs to be abolished. I am still trying to figure out how its suppose to keep me warm. Anyways I get my sweater from the
2. Snow
I hated winter so much that I was convinced that I was allergic to the cold and snow as a child. Now as an adult I simply hate it.
3. Snow removal
As a child, I do not know what I was on but I loved shoveling. My mom used to have to force me back into the house. Now, no one can find me when it is time to shovel. I have a few snow removal companies on speed dial.
4. Freezing Weather
I moved here from Africa as a child so the cold really took some getting used to. I still think I am not used to it even today. I do not know, me and the cold simply do not get along.
5. Driving
I already share a love-hate relationship with driving but during winter time it exacerbates. I usually try to avoid going outside for any reason.
Now to the memes. I relate to a lot of this on a personal level.