There's plenty of things to do at Colby-Sawyer for the fall semester but these are the 26 things that will probably happen to all of us.
1. Attend Mountain Day

2. Complain about having to walk to K Lot
3. Prepare for move in day to be the hottest day of the year with no fans or AC
4. Wait all week for Saturday omelets

5. Tell yourself you can have as many ice cream cones as you want
6. Sprint from Ivey to get Friday cheese and crackers in the dining hall
7. Spend all your dining dollars for the Lodge in the first two weeks
8. Show up to the Alumni weekend dance at 11 instead of 11:30 and feel awkward
9. Take a picture of your new dorm room and post it on Instagram
10. See if you can sneak out of the dining hall with a cup without getting yelled at
11. Ask if they can heat up your cookie at the lodge (there’s free milk in the fridge too. You’re welcome)

12. Order onion petals from the lodge just to stock up on pub sauce
13. Attend the activities fair just for the free candy the clubs give out
14. Try and actually understand Burpee’s layout
15. Walk to dunks 2 times in one day (everyday)
16. Convince yourself you’re not going to skip class at all this semester

17. Stand in the cold on a Friday waiting for your friend to open their dorm for you
18. Freak out about losing your ID then realize it’s in your back pocket
19. Attend Late Night every single Tuesday and Thursday and get mad when they don’t have chicken fries
20. Finally get a loft in the library after waiting forever

21. Make your new best friends in the Colgate Living Room at 2 AM
22. Remember that just because you’re a NARP doesn’t mean you’re not cool
23. Walk into the Dining Hall everyday looking for nugs
24. Get so lazy you consider driving from one side of campus to the other
25. Plan on going home for the weekend but change your mind because the FOMO sets in hard
26. Have so much fun you don’t want to leave for winter break
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