The generated coke oven gas has various impurities so that it needs to be purified before using it.
NewsSep 14, 2021
Coking Measuring Points and Solutions
In the variety of coal utilization, the cooking process has the highest coal utilization and will have about 75% coke and the other 25% will be coal gas and chemical products. Coking process is to put powdered coal into coke oven after blending and a series of physical and chemical changes would occur to the powered coal in high-temperature condition. The generated coke oven gas has various impurities so that it needs to be purified before using it. Installation of online continuous emission monitoring system benefits to increase productivity and quality as well as controlling pollutant emission concentrations.
HANGZHOU ZETIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD is a professional air quality monitoring equipment suppliers, we provide continuous emission monitoring equipment, cems emissions monitoring, emission monitoring system and etc. Want to know more? Please contact us.