Or to explain something you can't understand.
The sun illuminates the Earth, with out it plants wouldn't grow, animals wouldn't thrive and people couldn't inhabit the world.
The moon lights up the night sky, with a gravitational pull so fierce the ocean gets swept into it and the tides are created.
The perfect atmosphere to allow humans, animals, plants and all creatures to co-exist.
Is this all merely a coincidence?
Everything in life, in yours and mine, our great grandparents and so on and so forth, happened for a reason. There is a reason you were born in England and not France, you had blue eyes and not brown, you met a boy at 15 who broke your heart.
Ever wonder how things work out so perfectly? And how you always seem to have an inner feeling of what is going to happen.
The same day you spill coffee all over you, is the same day you grabbed an extra shirt.
The same day your ex-boyfriend comes home, is the same day you go to the gym at the same time and bump into him.
And even if it doesn't happen all in the same day, it will all make sense one day.
There is a reason you didn't get into your dream school in Chicago, and you decided to go to school in California.
There's a reason you failed that class, broke that boy's heart, didn't get the job, lost touch with a friend. It's all a part of the plan.
Life was created in a way that everything fits together perfectly. Sometimes it can be hard to realize that everything does happen for a reason and what does happen is for the best, even though at the time it may hurt like hell.
"Don't dismiss the synchronicity of what is happening right now finding its way to your life at just this moment. There are no coincidences in the universe, only converges of will, content and experience." -Neale Donald Walsch
The best things can come out of a heart break, a mistake, an impulsive decision.
You will meet people, have experiences, revelations that will change your life and they will come at the strangest of times when you least expect it. But it will always be when you need them the most.
And you will realize, everything will work out just the way it should.
So study for your exam this week or go out to the bar- the stars are already aligned for you.