When I began my stretch of higher education, I never really drank much caffeine. I never really needed it. I was naturally energized and never thought twice about drinking coffee.
Oh my, did that change when I started this thing called college. It started with a cup in the morning to get my day going because I never seemed to get enough sleep in college. Then tests started. Having to study all night for an exam was not possible without a few cups of coffee. Then papers. Having to proofread and reread papers is way to daunting of a task that will absolutely put you to sleep if it wasn't for coffee.
Oh, you think you'll even remotely have enough energy to go out on a Friday night after a day of class and meetings and studying without a cup of coffee? You are sadly mistaken, my friend.
To sum it up, coffee is the major reason for my success in college. If it was not for coffee, I'm not sure I would still be in college let alone graduating. Thanks coffee, you are the best.