Ah, coffee. It’s a college student’s best friend, right?
I mean, seriously, how could we not get through the rough mornings and long nights without it? Personally, coffee is something I’ve been drinking since as long as I can remember. I recall drinking it in the morning before I would go to daycare because I wanted to be just like my mom. I would sit in her bathroom while she sat in front of the mirror putting on her makeup and sipping her coffee from a mug. Sure, I didn’t know that my “coffee” was actually 90 percent water, but I thought I was hitting that big girl status with my coffee in my Barney sippy cup.
Once I started high school, I actually started drinking coffee that wasn’t cut with water and I knew that coffee was my life. I’m living that Lorelai Gilmore status with my need for a cup of caffeine every day. If I don’t have coffee, I’m craving it and feeling deprived.
So, why is coffee my best friend?
Coffee gives me life and I know what I like from each coffee establishment. I have no shame in admitting that I either get a large, iced coffee with hazelnut, cream and sugar from Dunkin' or a large pumpkin spice latte the same way. At Starbucks, I love a café mocha (because chocolate makes everything better, am I right?) or an iced caramel macchiato with extra, extra, EXTRA caramel drizzle. Yes, I’m looking at you Starbucks baristas. Stop going easy on the caramel, it’s not going anywhere! If I go to Barnie’s, I’m all about that Santa’s White Christmas Brew because it’s amazing and there’s even an ice cream of the flavor.
Coffee also makes me happy. Having a bad day? Rough time getting up in the morning? Coffee gets me moving and puts a smile on my face. The quickest way to get me out of a funk in the morning or afternoon pick-me-up time is to get me a cup of coffee. Who needs flowers or chocolate when you can have coffee?
Coffee will always be there for me. Who needs a boyfriend or girlfriend when you can have coffee? Coffee will never tell you that you talk too much or need to take a break. Coffee will never break up with you. You don’t have to change yourself for coffee – coffee will change for you. I could honestly go on and on, but you get my drift.
Coffee encourages me to keep moving forward. Coffee gives me that extra oomph or kick in the butt to get going. No matter the struggles, it makes me want to keep going. Test? Homework? Meetings? No problem! I can conquer anything with coffee by my side. So many times I have just wanted to crawl into my bed and shut down for the day, but once I got a cup of coffee, I was able to finish everything I needed to do. I got through that fog and made it!
Regardless of what some people might say – cough, cough coffee haters – coffee is the best thing ever and I will stand by it until the day I die (or until I can’t drink it, but lets not think about that). Coffee is the eternal BAE and no one can tell me otherwise. Thanks for always being there for me, best friend! Love you a whole latte!