Addictions are generally bad, and a coffee addiction is no different. The caffeine in coffee makes its victims crave it—a deadly curse upon anyone who merely wants an energy boost. Instead, one must struggle with the constant want for coffee, because it is a double-edged sword, acting as both a friend and a foe.
Coffee is a friend because it provides energy. For some, drinking coffee is relaxing and helps them de-stress, giving its drinkers the perfect escape from reality. It is a part of a daily routine, and living without coffee is unthinkable. It is a necessity for surviving a long day, whether waking up early or late, working all day or lounging, or being happy or sad. Coffee becomes a way of living, and it's easy to see it in a person's eyes: coffee fuels their day.
On the other hand, coffee can be a foe by encouraging an addiction, and for keeping the drinker awake at night or other times when they would rather sleep. They don't just want coffee; they need coffee. Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, or Blue Donkey—the brand doesn’t matter too much when caffeine is in demand. Coffee can also be a foe for the strain it takes on one's wallet. A cup of coffee can be cheap, but it can also be very expensive, especially when purchased every day or multiple times in one day.
Whether you like coffee every once in a while or you are addicted beyond help, the drink can be a friend and a foe simultaneously. The monetary cost of coffee will never fade, but the boost in energy often seems worth it. So, treat yourself to a cup of coffee, because it will always be your best friend and nemesis, even when you try to fight it.