It is the one thing that can get you through any situation. Who
needs medicine when you can have a cup of hot (or iced!) magic to get
you by until the end of the day! Turn the corner; there are hundreds
of stores with different brands of coffee to satisfy whatever craving
you are feeling at any given moment. Before you know it, you are
addicted to the wonders of this delicious beverage, throwing your
wallet at any chance to have a refill. But how do you know you are
You Need It To Wake Up
Whether it is a 6am workday or a sleep in until 11, the first steps of your morning are towards the coffee pot. Even though you are half asleep, you can measure the amount of water to coffee ratio perfectly. The day isn't started until half way through the pot.
You Get Caffeine Headaches
For someone who has it all the time, midday might get unusually painful if a cup or two is missed. Extreme headaches from the lack of caffeine might interrupt your day, telling you just how much it needs a refill.
You Can Drink It Before Bed
Coffee before bed is never a good idea. Although, those of us who drink coffee more than water sometimes don't feel the effects. Instead of a glass of warm milk, we 'coffee-addicts' may just need to make ourselves one more cup before we go off to dream land.
The Barista Knows Your Order By Heart
Lets be real. You know your addicted once you are 'regular' status!