Every coffee enthusiast can relate to at least a few of these points. If you can relate to each one on a personal level then it may be time to give your body a rest and give coffee up for Lent ... just kidding, calm down and grab a latte.
1. The joy of finding a new coffee shop
Frickin love that sh*t. New coffee shops open up so many new possibilities. Reading spot, homework spot, working spot, blogging spot … new coffee-drinking spot.
2. Getting a mug as a gift
Mugs are great gifts regardless, but getting a brand-new mug to hold steaming hot coffee in is just amazing. Bonus points if the mug is actually adorable, funny, etc.
3. Waking up to coffee brewing
Programmable coffee pots are where it’s at. Yes, of course, I would like my coffee to brew two minutes before my alarm goes off so that the entire apartment smells like a warm coffee bean cloud when I awaken from my slumber.
4. People trying to speak to you before you’ve had your coffee
OH, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, JUST SHUT UP. Avoiding eye contact or looking at you like I could potentially punch you in your face means that I don’t need your words at this time. Thank you, please return with your conversation started after I’ve consumed some caffeine.
5. Knowing a “small” coffee will never cut it
You think I’m going to survive all day on one small cup of coffee? You would be completely incorrect.
6. Having a day where you just need an IV drip of coffee
Yep, just straight into the vein would be great.
7. Constantly spilling coffee on yourself because you ALWAYS have a cup in-hand
Yes, I’m aware that I have a coffee stain on my shirt. No, I’m not going to change because I’ll just get a coffee stain on the new shirt I put on.
8. Getting over “coffee breath”
That’s just how I smell now. I have accepted it.
9. Trying to explain that you actually like black coffee
It does not taste like feet. I love it. Actually, genuinely love to drink it. So no, I don’t need room for cream.
10. Being able to name a brand of coffee without seeing the label
“Oh yes, that’s Coffee Bean Direct Dark Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.”
11. Owning more coffee mugs than any twelve people would ever need
The mug collections get seriously impressive. Bump showing off this majestic piece of art I have hanging on the wall, check out my 80+ coffee mugs.