Dear Coach and Team,
Well, I guess if I'm honest, I could have said family. I mean, that's what we became, right?
To me, a family is a group of people that you share monumental moments of your life with. They are the people you laugh with, the people you cry with and people you grow with. You have all played an intricate part in making me the confident, well-rounded and driven individual that I am today, and I am certain I will never be able to thank you enough.
As I said, we are a family because we stand behind each other during every life event that comes our way, cheering our teammates and athletes on to success. Well, today is one of those monumental moments, and I am going to need you now more than ever.
Today is the day I hang up my uniform and move on to the next chapter of my life.
I wish, more than anything, that I could stay in this part of my life forever, but part of growing up is sometimes being forced to take a step back, analyze the big picture for what it is, and make decisions that will have an impact on the rest of your life.
It's rather sudden and unexpected, but if I don't do it now, I will spend my whole life wondering what could have happened had I let this opportunity pass me by.
You have all taught me so much about life, friendship, and hard work. You have taught me that with perseverance, dedication, and some unabashed fun, anything can be achieved. You have taught me that I can push myself further than I ever dreamed, and limits are only as permanent as we allow them to be.
You have shown me unconditional love and support that was unprecedented, and I will carry that with me always.
I never saw myself leaving this way, and I am now realizing I am going to miss everything about this sport.
I am going to miss the early practices.
I am going to miss the moment of fear when someone's phone goes off. I am going to miss the joy of hitting that sequence that we never could get just right, and the dread of coach saying, "Let's go outside and run, yeah?" I'll miss the morning lifts, the long van rides to away games and the long nights of nerves before a competition. I will miss the soreness of a good practice and the dizziness of tumbling. But most of all, I am going to miss making memories with all of you.
If I am completely honest, I am terrified and sad. I am scared that once I am faced with reality and don't have that ugly blue mat to run to whenever I am overwhelmed that I will just crumble. I am sad that I won't be able to see you guys grow and master new skills. I am sad that I won't be a part of the great team you are destined to be this season. I am scared of losing you all.
I have spent three years in the specific program, watching it and it's athlete's flourish. I have seen major failures and widespread success. As I move forward, I want to leave you all with a few things that I have learned that may come in handy.
1. Don't make excuses. Focus the energy on getting better and not putting yourself in that situation again.
2. Sit in the suck. I know this sounds weird, but hear me out. There are going to be parts of this experience that completely and utterly suck. You are going to hate everything! When you reach this point, just tell yourself, "Yes, this sucks, but I am here because I love this sport and it's making me stronger."
3. Cheating only hurts you. There will be times when you're running or doing a workout and it will be tempting to skip that last lap, or shave off a rep. Just. Push. Through. Believe it or not, the conditioning pays off when you compete and don't feel completely dead.
4. Say it with a smile. This is something you will constantly hear. What this means is smile through any constructive criticism or negativity that comes your way. Sometimes, this will be the only way to make it through.
5. Lean on each other. Remember that everyone is stressed, dealing with life, classes and relationships, but the 30 other people on the mat with you are the only ones who fully understand exactly what you are going through. When you feel tired, scared or overwhelmed, reach out to a teammate. Chances are they have been there before and can offer some sage advice.
6. Have fun! It all ends too soon and suddenly, all you have are the memories.
I also want you to know that even though I am not on the field with you, I am here for you. If any of you need anything I will not hesitate to help if I can. "Once a Battler, always a Battler."
I love you all and cannot wait to see what you do this year. Stay motivated, work hard and stick together. Love all, judge none and cherish everything.
I know you will be great.
Forever your teammate,
Marcus Hardinger