I can’t believe it has only been a little over a year since the last time I competed in that silver and blue uniform. The countless practices, team dinners, stairs, and pep talks came to an end way too quickly. As I reflect on my four years as a high school athlete, I can’t help but be incredibly thankful to have had a coach like you.
I still remember the thoughts racing through my head and my knees shaking when you stood behind my court at the freshman tournament. Knowing that the man who held the fate of my badminton career in his hands was watching me play was enough to make me sick to my stomach. I still remember my heart pounding, followed by a huge sigh of relief when you approached after three long days of tryouts and said you would give me a chance.
From that moment on I have been truly thankful for the opportunity. I consider myself extremely blessed to have been coached by you for three years, when most people only get you for two. In those three years you became way more than just a coach.
You became a mentor and a friend.
You taught me way more than I could’ve imagined and pushed me way harder than I thought I could handle.
Here are just two of the many lessons that stuck with me after leaving the court for the last time:
1. The body is stronger than the mind
You reminded me of this constantly. Whether I slowed down while running suicides or didn’t make it to a spot on the court in time you always pushed me to work harder. And when I told you “I can’t” you would remind me that my legs and lungs can, it’s my mind that won’t.
2. Pressure doesn’t exist
This advice always came right when it was needed –before the BIG matches. As an athlete, it is so easy to find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed and excel. The only problem is, that pressure doesn’t really exist. There is no one putting that pressure on you. You are putting it on yourself and it is so unnecessary. There are so many stories of amazing athletes who “crack under the pressure.” Imagine if they didn’t apply that pressure…
I constantly need to remind myself that pressure is nonexistent. It doesn’t only apply to athletics, but also to academics and the workplace. Whether it is a big test or deadline approaching, the only pressure you feel is what you put on yourself. So, stop stressing, relax, and handle it.
Thinking back on my time as a badminton player, I cannot imagine what that season of my life would have been like if I had any coach other than you. You never settled for anything less than my best and pushed me to reach my full potential, while at the same time pushing me to fall deeper in love with the sport. No other coach would have helped me to establish the confidence and determination like you did.
Thank you for the Saturday morning donuts, team trips for ice cream, and passes out of class. Thank you for the good talks, numerous laughs, and teaching me that listening to country music is always a good idea.
Thank you for being my mentor.
Thank you for being my coach.
Thank you for being my friend.
We can. We will.