Everyone always talks about the coach that killed their passion and made them lose their love for the game. I understand that some people aren't cut out for coaching and that their lack of the right skills may have ruined some promising sports careers, but for every awful coach that might tear you down, there is a coach that inspires you and works you into a better player.
SEE ALSO: "To The Coach That Killed My Passion"
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This one is for all of them.
To the coach that fueled my passion for the game,
Thank you for having passion for what you do.
Every time you went the extra mile, it paid off. Your enthusiasm and love for the game set the tone for every practice. You were a role model to me and fueled my drive to be the best I could be and helped my love for the game grow stronger than ever.
Thank you for caring about me.
You took me under your wing and helped me improve my talent and grow as a person. You knew that winning games wasn't the only thing that mattered and always paid attention to the team's emotions. You were more than a coach, you were a friend.
Thank you for believing in me.
Coming into your season I might not have had the greatest form or a perfect teamwork mentality, but with every mistake I made you never once tore me down. You cheered me on and built me up. You not only corrected my mistakes but you also made sure to shoot me a smile when praise was due. You didn't let my results go unnoticed and you definitely made all the hard work worth it. Seeing you proud to be a coach made me happy to be on the team.
Thank you for teaching me.
When I made mistakes, you didn't yell or get mad, you gave me constructive criticism and helped me to become a better player. You focused on my strengths and helped me utilize them while also building up my weaknesses and making sure I learned something every practice. You turned me into an all-around great player.
Thank you for being hard on me.
You pushed me to my limits and believed that I could accomplish anything if I set my heart to it. You knew I always need a little extra help when it comes to breaking down the wall of 'I can't do it' and turning my average abilities into something unstoppable.
Thank you for going easy on me also.
You worked me hard, but also knew when to give me a break. Thank you for not expecting too much and for not pushing me to my breaking point. I never felt ashamed when I didn't succeed at something new the first time I attempted it or pressured to meet expectations that were much too high.
Thank you for letting me be a part of the family.
You understand that the sport only requires so much skill, and the rest is made up of heart. Without good team chemistry there's never 100% success. But you brought us all together and molded us into one big, happy family. You made the court feel like home.
And for all of this I can never thank you enough, but I hope you know now just how amazing you are at your job and how much you meant to me.
SEE ALSO: "An Open Letter To The Volleyball Player I Used To Be"
A Very Grateful and Inspired Player