Your brain is fried from having to recall months of material. Your hand is sore from the 12 essays you have had to write by hand. You're physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. You are constantly on the verge of tears. You haven't slept in four days. This is finals week.
You're sitting there, minding your own business and then it hits you that your finals start in a couple of days:
You realize that you have to stop slacking.
When you're trying to be proactive and write all of your exam times down on your calendar, and you find out you have a test at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning:
Don't hold back.
Picking out the perfect outfit to wear to your exams:
.... and, of course, you can't forget to accessorize:
Make sure to place it front and center so everyone knows.
Checking your class materials after the test and realizing you got a question right:
Nailed it.
.... but discovering that you also got several wrong:
There goes any chance you had of graduating.
Trying to study in the library or in your room and everyone around you decides to be super rambunctious:
Quiet hours are a thing, people.
When you didn't think the final would be cumulative so you let yourself forget material from the beginning of the semester:
Crap crap crap crap.
Walking into the test and seeing a bunch of people who didn't show up to the class all semester:
Do you even go here?
When you followed the study guide exactly and the professor puts material on the test that wasn't on the study guide:
So rude.
When you have a borderline grade in a class and you're sitting there waiting for the teacher to hand out the test papers:
Hyperventilation ensues.
Trying to gain a little sympathy from professors before the exam:
At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
When you're taking the test and the room gets hot, you're suffocating and sweating way more than you should, and you come across a question you don't know the answer to:
"Why is it so hot in here, Mrs. Puff?"
Already feeling like death and you've still got four exams to go:
The world's smallest violin.
After pulling an all-nighter.... or two.... or three:
Also, it's been a while since you last took a shower.
Making study guides:
So prepared.
Feeling like this for literally the entire week:
Walking out of an exam for which you had to write six essays:
Ouch. My hands.
Trying to study for two exams at the same time, both of which are tomorrow:
Coffee required.
Keeping in mind to stay hydrated throughout this stressful week:
You've got to make up for all the water you're losing because of the constant tears.
When you've got just one exam left and you've been reduced to a hateful blob:
No one talk to me.