College As Described By 30 Rock | The Odyssey Online
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College As Described By 30 Rock

College As Described By 30 Rock

Whether you realize it or not, 30 Rock actually describes the average college student's life perfectly. Unfortunately this wonderful show is over, but it is still extremely relatable.

Waking up for that Monday morning 8 a.m.

....and then going back to bed for the rest of the day and feeling like this:

Starting to realize how much money you are actually spending and acting like you're okay with it:

Every time a couple of your friends do something fun together and don't invite you:

Dealing with your roommates stealing your food as calmly and as rationally as you can:

Whenever someone stops you and tries to hand you a flier for some weird event:

Enjoying your complete and utter lack of parental supervision:

When it's the weekend and you're trying to relax but someone brings up the three tests and two papers you have next week:

Getting all dressed up to go out and having your friends cancel at the last minute:

When you're obsessively following a fight on Yik Yak but then it fizzles out:

Trying to figure out what you want to do with your life:

Whenever something bad happens and you need to confide in someone that you can trust:

After a particularly long and grueling week:

Seeing and ~tactfully~ avoiding high schoolers on tours of campus:

Taking a class on a foreign language that you took in high school and thinking you will breeze right through it but then you try to speak:

What taking a nap actually means:

Planning a party:

Finals week:

When you complete one small task successfully:

Trying to write a research paper with some pretty iffy sources:

When you *finally* score that on-campus job you wanted:

When you try to use the money on your student account at a restaurant close to campus but they say they don't accept it:

When family members ask you what your plans are post-graduation:

When it's 3 a.m. and you're still in the library and nowhere near done with the copious amount of homework that is due tomorrow:

Developing a very special relationship with Netflix:

Remembering that nutrition and fitness are super important:

Coming back from a break and realizing that you forgot everything you learned before you left:

When you're drunk and you sneak past the RA without getting in trouble:

Making sure to set aside time during the day to catch up with the people that matter most:

Walking into a big test that you didn't study for:

Trying to comfort your stressed out friends:

When you're about to fall asleep and you remember that you have homework due tomorrow that you didn't do:

Realizing that, despite how stressful it can be, your time in college has been the best of your life and it will all eventually come to an end:

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