CNN VS FOX News | The Odyssey Online
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How these news outlets portrayed the El Paso shooting in Texas


CNN and FOX NEWS are the most common, yet most different two popular news stations on TV. If you have seen either station, you would presume they have biased opinions. CNN is the more Democratic or "Blue" news station, while FOX is more Republican or "Red".

I decided to watch each channel cover the news of the El Paso Texas shooting. While the two stations covered the news differently, there were only about 3 similarities I found between them. The first similarity being, both referred to the attack as an "act of terrorism". Both news stations also called the act a "hate crime" against the Mexican/Hispanic community due to the location. El Paso is a very Hispanic populated location. It is also very close to the borders of Mexico and New Mexico which is also a populated area of Hispanic decent. Lastly, both news stations agreed that these violent acts could be due to the way we deal with mental health.

Depending on which political side you prefer, most of the facts and information you hear are due to the biased views from the consumers. Some information is hidden from news on the channels so the people don't get upset with seeing two sided stories. News stations always want to create news that will appeal to their audience, even if it is fake, invalid or strictly based on opinions.

While watching CNN I realized that all the news about the El Paso shooting was given by reports of victims. During the news broadcast it starts off with a woman filming the gunshot noises on her phone inside of the Walmart. The woman filming is also speaking Spanish, showing El Paso is a very ethnic populated town. Moving along in the broadcast they interview Beto, a democratic politician. I notice shockingly that Beto laughs in the interview of him "paying his respects" to his hometown, being El Paso. I thought this was very interesting that CNN would feature footage of that, but I understand he could have been nervous or was dealing with a lot of emotions. Furthermore the broadcast goes to say the attack was "domestic terrorism" as I mentioned in the pervious paragraph. An anchorman goes to describe that a day after the shooting there were many protests, including one at the White House, protesting the legal right to carry a firearm. The anchorman continues to state that the "lack of leadership help from our government" is to blame. The announcements at the bottom of the screen are all projecting "13 hour bloodshed" on the screen. Another anchorman states that republican governors of Texas declined to meet on CNN and discuss changes to be made to prevent these events from happening again. The anchorman also states that the governs from Ohio and even representatives of the White House declined to discuss. The anchormen then states that "America is the ONLY country in the world that goes through this on a regular basis" and how "It is so hard to track the guns we have in the United States because we have the most guns in our country than any other country". The anchorman then finishes off the broadcast with his statement that "Thoughts and prayers are not a solution, we need to demand no gun laws". I assume this reference was aimed towards our president due to people claiming Trump is only "giving his thoughts and prayers".

FOX news gave me a very different viewpoint on the shooting. Almost every single broadcast I watched (because I had to watch multiple to confirm) only discussed the first responders and their achievements. Not one broadcast I watched discussed the victims. If the victims were mentioned, it was usually a number of victims who passed or were injured in the shooting. No names, just numbers. The broadcast I watched began with the governor of of Texas stating how "El Paso Texas is the safest place in the world". Fox news was able to get the governor to speak on a phone interview during the broadcast. Fox news also blamed the reason for all these mass shootings being social media and "copycat" crimes. "The internet is to blame" was what every single anchorman and woman on the show was stating. "Video games are to blame" was another infamous quote from Fox News anchors. They also had Trump in many of the videos speak about how sorry and devastated he was for the family's, giving them all his "thoughts and prayers". All of these apologies to the victims tied right back around to the first responders. Trump even hosted an award ceremony for 6 of the first responders from the Texas and Ohio attack. I never saw any victims speak, only survivors of the respondents.

FOX was more focused on how the government "solved" the problem quickly rather than fix it for GOOD and protest like CNN. People all over America watch different news stations that appeal to their interests, not knowing they are in a filter bubble. When you focus too much on a biased topic you tend to forget that other ideas and opinions exist. That is exactly what news stations like CNN and FOX news want to get out of you. Big news companies like these are the main reason people believe everything they hear in the media.

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