There are so many different places and activities that go into being a Central Michigan Chippewa. I would even say there are some "staples" to beautiful, scenic Mt. Pleasant. if you're a true CMU-er, you know these ABC's are to be true:
Disclaimer: I know there is more than one option for each letter!
Aztecas Margartia's
Brenda - Who's Brenda?
CM Life
Dog Central
Finals Week Midnight Scream
Greek Life
His House
Island Park
Jimmy John's
Kelly Shorts Stadium (...and tailgating!)
Leadership Safari
Menna's Joint
Nature Park- Deerfield
O'Kelly's Pint Night
Polar Plunge
Qdoba Wednesday
Red Wings Fans
Soaring Eagle Casino
The Towers
UC Bovee
Vacations- We're only about 2.5 hours away from the beautiful North.
Welcome Weekend
Cabin StiX
Yik Yak
Ziibiwing Center