Until this election, I really couldn't be bothered with politics. However, this event in history is really going to redefine our country; in the worst way possible. But, don't blame me for the outcome, I'm not voting for either candidate in the two-party tyranny.
As a woman in this election season, it seems as though I am being pressured more and more to vote for Secretary Hillary Clinton. I'm here to tell you, I can't and won't do that. Apparently, If I'm not voting for Hillary, I'm for Trump. You're so wrong. I can't and won't vote for Donald Trump, either. Neither the democratic nor the republican candidates are good for our country, whatsoever.
You can argue with me as much as you want, but both candidates are wrong for our country, in different and similar ways, oddly enough. Seeing the ways they are awful for our country as POTUS in their differing ways is pretty easy to see, but it's the ways they are wrong in the same ways that are challenging to find and shocking. Let's go through some, shall we?
1. Neither candidate has any respect for women.
One has openly said awful things about women and one has done awful things in regards to women. I'm sure you can guess who is who, and maybe we have some double-dipping, as well. I am a woman and I refuse to vote for anyone who does either.
2. Neither candidate has a positive track record for our country.
One has no track record and the other has a negative track record. If we really thought hard about this choice, maybe we could consider choosing someone who has done well for our country. When hiring someone for any position, for example, if you were given a choice between someone who has no experience in the field, someone who has bad references in that field or someone that has experience and has good references, we would definitely be hiring the prospective employee with the good references and experience. Why are we not following this rule in politics?
3. Neither candidate is honest nor trustworthy.
I wouldn't trust either candidate as far as I could throw them. As far as the rhetoric being used in this election and the actions being portrayed by the candidates, neither of these people are upstanding members of the community. If you're thinking to yourself, "Well, they're politicians. You can't expect them to be honest and trustworthy," then something is definitely wrong with our political system. We need to hold our elected officials to a higher standard than that. We can't just blindly accept dishonest or untrustworthy behavior in our politicians.
4. Both candidates are in the pockets of corporate interests.
Corporate interests shouldn't matter in elections, but they do, especially in this one. As president, they are supposed to represent the people of America, not the corporate interests. Neither candidate can seem to realize that. They will go where the money tells them to go, not where the people want them to go.
5. Both candidates use fear-mongering instead of actual discussions about issues.
Fear mongering, what these two are doing on a regular basis, is a low way of getting votes. Fear mongering looks a little like this, "Vote for *A* so you don't wind up with *B*." Sound familiar? In these debates, they go back and forth between "You know nothing," and "You do nothing." I thought that we were going to debate the issues, but I was super wrong, apparently.
In summary, we can't blame the candidates themselves for being presidential candidates. We can only blame the people who voted for them and continue to vote for them. Don't be directed by fear, vote with your conscience. How is it that we have some of the most well-educated people in history, but, as a society, we are making some of the dumbest political decisions ever. Voting for the lesser of two evils, whoever you believe fills that role, is still willfully voting for evil. Stand up and fight like your life depends on it, because, believe it or not, it definitely does.