Having barely any background in softball I wasn’t sure if joining a club softball team in college would be such a great idea in the beginning but I did it anyway and I couldn’t be happier!
By taking a chance and trying my luck with being a part of a team again and a sisterhood, I was sitting in the sixth row of a huge charter bus on my way back to Phoenix. My club softball team and I made it to playoffs the Spring of this past year, which was held in Davis, California. (Side note, I have never been to northern California so as I was packing for this trip I didn’t pack any sweat shirts or socks, so yeah, I was freezing.) Flying would have been the ideal situation but instead, we had to travel by bus.
How long does it take to get from Arizona to Northern California you might ask? About thirteen and a half hours. Yeah, sleep became everyone's best friend on that drive.
Finally, we arrived at our hotel ready to go to bed and get some rest before our softball games the next day. Both days of the tournament consisted of two games each. Through grit, passion, and sweat the team managed to defeat the opposing teams and make it to the World Series Championships in Georgia. As a brand new team, this was a huge deal and an exciting one at that. Our drive home was a little sweeter both from the victory and the IN-N-OUT pit stops along the way of course. Coming back to campus with such a great outcome helped me realize that by taking one small chance can, in the long run, grow into so much more. It all started by entering a small classroom as an intimidated freshman and hearing what it was the program had to offer. Turns out that was one of the greatest decisions I made in college so far and I am extremely happy about it.
This journey and opportunity gave me greater proof that the Lord works in mysterious ways and that He will never let me or anyone go into something that they can’t handle. So with that being said, a few weeks later after our return, we made our way to a three-day tournament ready to play our hearts out. Grand Canyon University club softball placed third in the nation and I was incredibly proud of how far we had gone as a team both on and off the field. Being among such an amazing group of girls and being a part of a college club sport was truly a blessing. God has provided me with so many experiences, opportunities, and lessons that I will never forget.
I am beyond anxious and excited to see what else he has in store for me as a student and as an athlete.