Do you know those people who love to stay at home for the majority of their time? I'm definitely one of them. Don't get me wrong, I go to school, have a job, hang out with friends, and truly enjoy my life. But, at the same time, I really enjoy watching movies and cuddling up under a nice warm blanket in an air conditioned house with some great friends and family.
As a kid, I was always doing something. There was always homework to do, or a musical theatre rehearsal, or a church choir practice that I was headed off to. All of these things were fun and still remain some of the best parts of my formative years, but there was never a sense of calm that most of my closest friends got to experience. When you grow up with parents as involved as mine you can't escape having multiple commitments every day. I thank my parents every day for raising me the way that they did, because I know that nothing is impossible with a little bit of time management and perseverance. This being said, there was always a part of me that wished I could just hang out and watch shows all day, or play video games (Spyro was and still is my all-time favorite PS2 game).
Thankfully that wasn't the case, because I would definitely not have had as many opportunities that I've been afforded today. I wouldn't be in the Disney College Program for a semester living my dream, I wouldn't have met amazing musicians that I call friends at Berklee, and I wouldn't be the same person that I am today. I guess it takes a lot of time to grow up and realize all of the things your parents do for you, especially when you can't see the forest through the trees like they can.
I consider myself a homebody; it's where I'm most comfortable. Being at home is my happy place. Watching movies is my favorite way to unwind and relax after a long day. Does it mean that I don't EVER go out or hang out with other people? Of course not! Does it mean that I have stopped doing as much as I did a few years ago? Nope. I enjoy life as much as the next person, I just have a different way of enjoying it.
Just because someone doesn't enjoy everything in the same manner as you, don't push them. Don't force them to do what you want them to for your own gain. If you really want them to do something with you, ask them nicely, and let them know how much it means to you. But don't be upset when they think about it and decide not to. Sometimes they just can't. Be a supportive friend, and try to be as understanding as you can be. Always recognize that there are two sides to every story.