As I count closer and closer to the day that I’ll walk across the stage and make my family proud, the more I realize what factors and people have gotten me to the place I am today. Four years have flown by and I am a completely different person than who I was freshman year. I am a stronger, independent person who thrives in creating my future. Four years and this is what I realized…
The future is unknown and it’s OK if you don’t have a plan right out of college
The most pressuring question any graduating college student will be encountered with is “What are your plans after you graduate?” Now this question can make you sweat all over and make your heart beat fast or you know that answer right away. I’m here to say that it’s okay not to have a strategic plan that start right after you walk off that stage. Some of us may have jobs line up, some may be continuing on to graduate school, those that are taking time off and lastly those who are still finding the answer to that question themselves. Any decision you have, is okay because it’s your time to make your life.
Friendship is something common but genuine friendship is rare
A huge worry is that once you graduate, you’ll lose contact with the friends you made. Honestly, you may lose some but the ones that were there for you for every laugh and cry will be your second family. The connections you make, shape you in the person you are and push you further in life. They’re the people that have accepted you’re quirks and flaws. The ones that will be there for you no matter what, and that includes continuing friendship after college is done.
It’s OK to not be OK but when you are … It’s the greatest feeling in the world
Just like high school, college is another time where you find who you truly are. I can honestly say that I had some really high and low moments during my college years. There were moments I wasn’t okay but who I am now, is the person I truly want to be. College is meant for change. Constant change. Each year you grow as you figure out your path in life. Realize that it’s OK to cry when you’re stressed on assignments and exams, that it’s OK to not know what the hell you’re doing, that it’s OK to not be the happiest person all the time, and its okay to question. Once you figure out who you are, you will truly shine as a person because being comfortable should be your main priority.
Follow your passion
Realize that you are not limited to whatever your college degree says you should be doing. The world has so much to offer and it’s your decision on what path to take. If you find that what you want in life is a different direction, than go in that direction. If you find a job you like, keep doing it but if you find one that doesn’t make you happy right when you wake up, know there’s more out there. Don’t settle for less, put yourself out there.
The world is your canvas, go paint it.