Everyone seems to worry so much about day-to-day problems; I know I am guilty as well. We all tend to worry about things like missing out on the best concert of the year or why the guy you like hasn’t invited you to his fraternity formal yet. But, in the big picture (15 years from now), will any of this really matter? No, it will not.
We need to stop stressing about all the small things and start looking forward to what our future has in store for us. The daily worries we deal with will not matter in the long run. Think about it, three years ago we were worrying about things that have no effect in our life now. A lot of us were in high school then and stressing about things like if you were going to make the varsity football team or if you were going to win the student council election. Now, you look back and laugh because no matter the result, you still made it to where you are today. You are most likely completely content with yourself, and the things that seemed like the end of the world in high school have become irrelevant.
You may think to yourself, Well, I am in college now. Everything I do will affect my future. This is not true. There are so many little things you do on a daily basis that will not matter even a year from today. I am not here to tell you that grades and internships don’t matter. I am here to tell you that your daily problems need to stop affecting you so much. The big picture is what we need to focus on.
Girls, it won’t matter if your sorority won best homecoming float or how many likes your selfie got on Instagram. Boys, it won’t matter if your fraternity didn’t throw the biggest pool party of the year or you didn’t win the top sororities’ philanthropy competition. What will matter is what goals you set for yourself and whether you accomplished them or not. Did you get the grades you needed to get into grad school? Did you get the internship that will make your resume solid?
Step back and think about the so-called “problem" that's stressing you out right this minute. Is it actually going to matter 10 to 15 years from now? If it won’t, don’t stress about it too much. Everything happens for a reason, and although you may think it’s the end of the world at the time, it’s not. You need to come to the realization that worrying about the small things will get you distracted from what really matters. It’s a waste of time to dwell on the problems that will fade away in a couple of years.
Always remember to take a closer look at the big picture instead of the small picture you're living in this moment.