Clinton vs. Trump: Presidential Race 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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Clinton vs. Trump: Presidential Race 2016

Debate overview and New Details

Clinton vs. Trump: Presidential Race 2016

It has become quite clear that this year's election is nothing like anything we have ever seen before. We have someone who has risen from the business class to become a major party nominee and someone who has had a long career in politics and has finally become the first woman to become a major party's nominee.

This election cycle has had so many twists and turns. Controversy has run rampant. From Benghazi to Trump University, to Clinton's email server, to Trump's tax returns. This continued to be the case during the debate that occurred this past week. You had one candidate who was completely ready prepared for anything during the debate. The other candidate made fun of the prepared candidate. However, I personally liked her response that she is not only ready for this debate, but she is ready to become president of the United States.

It was clear throughout the evening of the debate that one person had a solution to problems and knew how to fix them. Trump avoided giving an answer at all costs. Especially when it came to his tax returns. Clinton was quick to point out that when Donald Trump submitted his tax return that he did not pay any taxes. His response was "That makes me smart!" Let me ask you this, Do we want a man who avoids during his civil duty and paying his fair share of taxes.

Another instance of Trump's weakness was when he was asked about gun violence and how he would deal with it. Trump's response was to implement "Stop and Frisk". However, Clinton and Lester pointed out that this was found to be unconstitutional. In addition to proposing this unconstitutional action, he denied ever saying that Global Warming was invented by the Chinese for their business sector. However, he did, in fact, say such a thing.

Clinton, on the other hand, seemed to have this debate figured out. She had a live fact checker on Donald Trump and his statements on her website. In addition to this, she pointed out that on her website is the outline for her policy choices. Trump was very reluctant to this fact because he tried to scare the general public by saying that she was laying out her complete plan on her page for ISIS to look at. However, that is not true.

Another downfall that Clinton was quick to point out was that Trump headed the Birther movement to find President Obama's birth certificate to prove that A. He was a US citizen. B. Was able to run for president. Also, Trump made a statement saying that Clinton did not have the look or stamina to be president. However, Clinton replied with all of her travels around the world as Secretary of State to 100+ countries, negotiating ceasefires, etc. As a result, Clinton was able to completely refute and disprove his statement.

After the debate, news came out that Donald Trump's company was doing business with Cuba against the embargo of the US and Cuba, which was ILLEGAL. As a person who is quick to point out Clinton's shortcomings, the question soon becomes how Donald Trump will respond to these findings.

To this day, I continue to support Hillary Clinton, until there is an undeniable reason for me to do otherwise. Trump completely stands for Xenophobia, Homophobia, Sexism, and Wall Street. He does not connect with the working class and never will. He has always had everything given to him ever since he was young. This election day we must decide what type of country we want to be. One that is exclusively for the Rich, White, Males of our society or if we are going to be a nation that encourages diversity and loves all our citizens and wants everyone to be treated equally. In my opinion, this election really is not a contest. There is a clear choice for who should be our next president and open the door for many others to follow in her footsteps.

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