With the coming election about a week and a half away, many people are already going to the polls and voting early. For those of you who have yet to go to the polls and don't know who you're voting for yet in this election, here are some points each of the candidates are making:
Economy and Jobs:
- A fair tax system: Making sure the wealthy, Wall Street, and corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
- An economy that works for everyone: We need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.
- Making college debt-free and taking on student debt: Hillary will make debt-free college available to everyone and take on student loan debt.
- Small business: We have to level the playing field for America’s small businesses.
- Paid family and medical leave: It’s time to guarantee paid family and medical leave in America.
- Poverty: No child should ever have to grow up in poverty.
- Fixing America’s infrastructure: Strong infrastructure is critical to a strong economy.
- Housing: We need housing policies that connect working families to opportunity.
- Technology and innovation: We can harness the power of technology and innovation to work for all Americans.
- Manufacturing: Hillary Clinton’s plan to strengthen manufacturing so we always “Make it in America.”
- Jobs and wages: We can make the boldest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II.
- Labor and workers’ rights: When unions are strong, America is strong.
- Workforce skills and job training: Every American should be able to learn the skills they need to compete and succeed.
- Veterans, the armed forces, and their families: America must fully commit to supporting veterans.
- Social Security and Medicare: We must preserve, protect, and strengthen these lifelines.
- Wall Street reform: Wall Street must work for Main Street.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Hillary Clinton: Hillary for America website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/]
- Create a dynamic booming economy that will create 25 million new jobs over the next decade.
- For each 1 percent in added GDP growth, the economy adds 1.2 million jobs. Increasing growth by 1.5 percent would result in 18 million jobs (1.5 million times 1.2 million, multiplied by 10 years) above the projected current law job figures of 7 million, producing a total of 25 million new jobs for the American economy.
- Reform policies with a pro-growth tax plan, a new modern regulatory framework, an America-First trade policy, an unleashed American energy plan, and the “penny plan.”
- Boost growth to 3.5 percent per year on average, with the potential to reach a four percent growth rate.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Donald J Trump: Donald J Trump for President website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/]
- Campus sexual assault: It’s not enough to condemn campus sexual assault. We need to end it.
- Early childhood education: Every child deserves the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.
- K-12 education: Strong public education is the key to preparing our children for the future.
- Making college debt-free and taking on student debt: Hillary will make debt-free college available to everyone and take on student loan debt.
- National service: Do all the good you can.
- Workforce skills and job training: Every American should be able to learn the skills they need to compete and succeed.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Hillary Clinton: Hillary for America website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/]
- Give states the option to allow these funds to follow the student to the public or private school they attend. Distribution of this grant will favor states that have private school choice, magnet schools, and charter laws, encouraging them to participate.
- Establish the national goal of providing school choice to every one of the 11 million school-aged children living in poverty.
- If the states collectively contribute another $110 billion of their - own education budgets toward school choice, on top of the $20 billion in federal dollars, that could provide $12,000 in school choice funds to every K-12 student who today lives in poverty.
- Work with Congress on reforms to ensure universities are making a good faith effort to reduce the cost of college and student debt in exchange for the federal tax breaks and tax dollars.
- Ensure that the opportunity to attend a two or four-year college, or to pursue a trade or a skill set through vocational and technical education, will be easier to access, pay for, and finish.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Donald J Trump: Donald J Trump for President website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/]
- Climate change: Taking on the threat of climate change and making America the world’s clean energy superpower.
- Protecting animals and wildlife: The way our society treats animals is a reflection of our humanity.
- Rural communities: America’s rural communities are the backbone of this country.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Hillary Clinton: Hillary for America website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/]
- Rescind all job-destroying Obama executive actions. Mr. Trump will reduce and eliminate all barriers to responsible energy production, creating at least a half million jobs a year, $30 billion in higher wages, and cheaper energy.
- Declare American energy dominance a strategic economic and foreign policy goal of the United States.
- Unleash America’s $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, plus hundreds of years in clean coal reserves.
- Become, and stay, totally independent of any need to import energy from the OPEC cartel or any nations hostile to our interests.
- Open onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands, eliminate moratorium on coal leasing, and open shale energy deposits.
- Encourage the use of natural gas and other American energy resources that will both reduce emissions but also reduce the price of energy and increase our economic output.
- Rescind all job-destroying Obama executive actions. Mr. Trump will reduce and eliminate all barriers to responsible energy production, creating at least a half million jobs a year, $30 billion in higher wages, and cheaper energy.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Donald J Trump: Donald J Trump for President website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/]
Health Care:
- An end to Alzheimer’s disease: We can prevent, effectively treat, and make an Alzheimer’s cure possible by 2025.
- Autism: Millions of Americans live with autism—and we’ve got to do more to support them and their families.
- Disability rights: We must continue to expand opportunities for Americans with disabilities.
- Healthcare: Universal, quality, affordable health care for everyone in America.
- HIV and AIDS: We have reached a critical moment in our fight against HIV and AIDS.
- Mental health: We have to address the mental health crisis in America and end the stigma and shame associated with treatment.
- Women’s rights and opportunity: We need to break down barriers that hold women back.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Hillary Clinton: Hillary for America website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/]
- Maximize flexibility for states via block grants so that local leaders can design innovative Medicaid programs that will better serve their low-income citizens.
- Work with Congress to create a patient-centered health care system that promotes choice, quality, and affordability.
- Work with states to establish high-risk pools to ensure access to coverage for individuals who have not maintained continuous coverage.
- Allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, in all 50 states, creating a dynamic market
- Maximize flexibility for states via block grants so that local leaders can design innovative Medicaid programs that will better serve their low-income citizens.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Donald J Trump: Donald J Trump for President website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/]
National Security:
- Combating terrorism and keeping the homeland safe: It’s not enough to contain ISIS and the threat of terrorism—we have to defeat it.
- Gun violence prevention: We can—and must—end the epidemic of gun violence.
- Military and defense: We should maintain the best-trained, best equipped, and strongest military the world has ever known.
- National security: With policies that keep us strong and safe, America will lead the world in the 21stcentury.
- Veterans, the armed forces, and their families: America must fully commit to supporting veterans.
[All information listed above comes straight from the Hillary Clinton: Hillary for America website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/]
- Increase the size of the U.S. Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers, which the Army Chief of Staff says he needs to execute current missions.
- Rebuild the U.S. Navy toward a goal of 350 ships, as the bipartisan National Defense Panel has recommended.
- Provide the U.S. Air Force with the 1,200 fighter aircraft they need.
- Grow the U.S. Marine Corps to 36 battalions.
- Invest in a serious missile defense system to meet growing threats by modernizing our Navy's cruisers and procuring additional, modern destroyers to counter the ballistic missile threat from Iran and North Korea.
- Emphasize cyber warfare and require a comprehensive review of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and all relevant federal agencies to identify our cyber vulnerabilities and to protect all vital infrastructure and to create a state-of-the-art cyber defense and offense.
- Pay for this necessary rebuilding of our national defense by conducting a full audit of the Pentagon, eliminating incorrect payments, reducing duplicative bureaucracy, collecting unpaid taxes, and ending unwanted and unauthorized federal programs
[All information listed above comes straight from the Donald J Trump: Donald J Trump for President website: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/]
The above issues are those outlined on the candidate's websites of their stance on these major issues our country faces. Of course, the candidates go into more detail than what is provided above on their websites listed at the bottom of this article. This article is in no way bias to any one candidate and all information came directly from each Presidental candidate's website. Hopefully, these points will help you choose who you believe will be the next President in the coming election. If you have more questions or concerns please contact the candidate websites with your inquiries.
Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/
Hillary Clinton: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/