Did I scare you? If not, good for you. We hear ghost stories all throughout our lives. We generally hear stories about haunted houses or ghosts. However, there are more haunted places in this world than you might believe, and one of them is right in New Jersey: Clinton Road is a long, stretched-out road that does not get a lot of traffic. There are some houses along the way, but not many. There are reasons why there aren't many houses or people living around this road. Many of them involve ghosts.
The most common ghost story surrounding Clinton Road is the Dead Man's Curve. This story involves a small boy who drowned after accidentally falling under a bridge on the road. There are many bridges on Clinton Road, so no one knows exactly which one is the bridge from the story. Some say that people throw coins over the bridge and he will take the coin and throw it back at you.
Many people have tried this, to see whether the little boy actually shows up or not. As the story goes, a group of teenagers made a deal that one of them had to stay at the bridge until the rest of them returned from Route 23. One of them stayed at the Dead Man's Curve and when the others returned back, they found their friend dead at the bridge.
And there are many other stories like this: other teenagers actually wanted to test this. So, they went to the bridge during the time and they only stayed for about a minute. This time they saw a reflection of the little boy and they ran away from the bridge. Some people even challenge you to stay at the bridge for a while and throw a penny in the river and the little boy will throw it back to you.
There are some exceptions to this story, as well, because if you look into the river then there are some coins, which means it is not fully true. If it is true, then why are there coins at the bridge? It it is true then what does that little boy want?
There are other stories, as well Some people who live there or people who cross by that road say that they see people who wear weird clothes and just stare at you. After you turn around, they disappear. There are stories that there's witchcraft taking place. There is a building at the road called The Druid Temple, which was built in 1826. This one, if you pass over or look closely, then horrible things can happen to you.
Some people believe that supernatural, human-like monkeys roam around the road during the night. Some people say there could serial killers who bury their victims there. No one knows how and if it is true or not.
These stories will surely drive people away. Right?
Don't be scared — these stories could be true. But they might just be urban legends, too. After hearing these I personally would not stop by the bridge or anywhere near the road but I will definitely drive over. As long as you are in a car with a good driver, you'll be safe!