Last Tuesday I was on Facebook when I noticed an interesting headline of a NBC article. It read "Hillary Clinton Campaign Bus dumps sewage onto a Gwinnett County Street". I was intrigued so I read the story. I was thinking, "you know what? Maybe the bus was dumping into an appropriate place to dispose sewage--" boy was I wrong. Apparently the bus driver thought it was acceptable to park the bus in a turning lane and open the hatch of the floodgates of literal crap. Luckily the manager of the nearby Auto Zone saw them do this and the odor was only deplorable. The pounds and pounds of liberal crap that came spewing from the Yellowstone of RV sewage pipes flooded the streets in an attempt of a "Forward Together" movement. Rather than taking the bus to the appropriate of places like a normal common sense law abiding citizen would do, the campaign crew decided to dispose of the Great Recession of policies down the channels of the storm drain which in fact was invented to prevent the exact flooding of crap that the bus was thus fulfilling as part of its campaign through Atlanta. Strangely though the only response given by the Clinton Campaign was an apology that featured a redirection of crap. More like a regurgitation and then a drainage of the same apologies that seem to be flowing down the same drain within Atlanta of failed handouts. This was the response:
“This was an unacceptable mistake and we apologize to the Lawrenceville community for any harm that was caused. We are taking corrective action with the charter bus company to prevent this from ever happening again and contacting local officials to determine the best course of action.” Well I got some problem with this. Let me say what they should have said:
“This was an unacceptable mistake and we apologize to the Lawrenceville community for the harm that was caused. We are taking corrective action with the people who were dumping the feces in the first place to prevent this from ever happening again because it should never happen again and will contact local officials to pay for our illegal dumping and end our campaign in Georgia.”
But no. Let's blame the charter company who probably is looking at them like "really? Blaming us now?" Actually, I feel sorry for the driver if he was part of the charter company. You just messed everything up because now everyone knows the campaign bus is full of crap waiting to be dumped at your local storm drain. So be warned if you see a Clinton bus. If Clinton ever got a hold of Atlanta's MARTA buses, I would be fearing for my life.
This whole situation makes me laugh, but at the same time cringe because just knowing how the aftermath of that dumping must have been. The smell, the cost of cleaning the road, the poor auto zone having to rezone it's property from commercial to landfill. It's sad. While vehicles from the Trump campaign were unloading food to the families affected by Hurricane Matthew and Clinton was sleeping to prepare for the debate, the Clinton Campaign does what it knows best and unloads a crapload of unneeded things. Atlanta is suffering as it is. We don't need that crap- literally.