Catch up my article series about the causes and effects of climate change: part one, part two, and part three.
My final article this week is covering the transportation sector and climate change.
The transportation industry plays an extremely important role in people’s everyday lives and even the economy. In 2010, the U.S. transportation infrastructure was estimated to be worth over $4.1 trillion. Most Americans do not realize the actual impact the country’s transportation industry has on their everyday lives, whether it is their car they drive to work everyday, or the semi trucks used to haul goods and products across the country, it is easy to see how transportation has a large effect on American society. Also, in 2010, the U.S. transportation sector accounted for 27 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, with cars and trucks accounting for 65 percent of that total.
Of all forms of transportation, the air-travel industry by far has the largest carbon footprint.
In 2008, the European Union decided to implement harsher emission guidelines for airlines. The new laws essentially forbid United States airlines from participating in the European Union Emissions Trading System and attempts to lower greenhouse gas emissions from the air-travel industry. The European commissioner for climate action, Connie Hedegaard stated, “We believe that those of us who can afford to pay for an air ticket can also afford to pay for the pollution from their travel."
The transportation sector in America has been trapped in a vicious cycle of oil consumption.
America’s transportation runs on petroleum, which is a non-renewable resource that will eventually run out. When that happens, the sector will become paralyzed and directly affect other industries, including agriculture and energy. The oil industry causes extreme environmental damage through the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere that when consumed, directly contributes to global warming. Additionally, the oil industry causes problems for the environment from "spills" (I quote "spills" because that implies an accident, not negligence) including pipeline explosions, tanker motors, pump bilges and offshore drilling.
Pipeline explosions account for millions of gallons of oil to be released into the environment via pipeline explosions.
Pump bilges are the oil waste pumps on ocean vessels that are very frequently emptied in international waters, which releases gasoline directly into the ocean ecosystems. Offshore drilling sites affect the environment in many different ways, including oil spills, which are catastrophic to local ecosystems, as well as air and water pollution. In fact, "a single rig can pollute as much as 7,000 cars driving 50 miles per day…an average oil and gas exploration well spews roughly 50 tons of nitrogen oxides, 13 tons of carbon monoxide, 6 tons of sulfur oxides, and 5 tons of volatile organic chemicals," according to Soapboxie.
There is no doubt that the oil and transportation industry is a critical aspect of Americans’ everyday lives, as well as the economy. However, there is also no doubt that it is causing massive environmental damage and is largely contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
However, people can choose alternatives to decrease their emissions.
Walking, biking, or even electric cars would eliminate an individual’s personal vehicle emissions. Even public transportation or carpooling is a much more efficient mode of transportation in terms of emissions and the number of people that can be transported.
The energy, animal agriculture and transportation industries are the planet’s largest climate culprits that are contributing to greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the planet to warm. Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity, and there needs to be substantial action to stop it.