October 25, 2016
As The Cavs season begins, The Indians head to the World Series, and Cleveland celebrates a very special “Cleveland Christmas” we want to take a minute to focus on something that makes Cleveland grow and stay unique and that is all of our local businesses.
Thank you all for keeping CLE true to how we’ve all grown to know and love it and thank you for having faith in the city that so many continue to ignore. We can’t even begin to show you our love. However, that love is why we created The Keep It Local Project here in Cleveland, Ohio.
We know how hard you work to keep this city on the map and we know how much your businesses mean to you and to Clevelanders alike. Whether you’re grabbing a beer at The Flat Iron Cafe before the game, cheering on the Tribe at Thirsty Parrot, munching on a delicious sandwich at Herb N’ Twine, or grabbing a coffee from Rising Star we know you want to continue to see this city thrive.
As you all celebrate this Cleveland Christmas just remember, we all have to “Rally Together” and continue to “Defend The Land” and make sure this city, our city, continues to grow.
Keep on showing your local love, Cleveland. We love you!
Via: The Keep It Local Project
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