Since three long months ago, our new years resolutions have been hanging on our wall or sitting in the back of our minds. It seems every year we forget about our promises we have made in January- until this time of year. When the weather becomes warmer and spring/summer clothing are on the racks we tend to draw our attention to our exercising goals once again.
Exercising does not have to be strenuous or difficult. You can incorporate simple exercises into your daily life. For example, using the couch. You can do multiple exercises while sitting on the couch like raising your legs up and down, doing back sit-ups using the couch, and doing push ups with your hands on the couch. These three simple work outs will help build muscles in your legs, arms, and stomach. These could be the only exercises you do and you will see change.
That is the stigma with exercising. People turn away, including me, because it seems like in order to become healthier it takes going to the gym and hours taken out of your schedule, but that is not the case. Simple work-outs throughout the house and during the day can slowly improve your body's health. Just keeping your body moving on a day-to-day bases will help improve your health. A body not used will wear down, but a body put into action will last much longer.
Since the winter we have been fearing the cold staying inside and ordering deliveries to have a change of pace from cooking. Many of us cannot wait for the summer to get walking/ running, fresh air, and get moving again. Until then,doing these little work-outs and becoming healthier will help with a happier lifestyle. Putting fruits and veggies into our body will help detox and help us feel better with more energy throughout the day.
That is what is so important about exercise is health. Let's start by making those little changes now and not keep waiting.
Do not wait to make change, because chances are if you wait it will never happen and then there will be regret. Start now with little change, with little exercises around the house. Do not run a marathon if you are not used to running.