Cleansing yourself and your social media can be refreshing and help you gain a different perspective on life. When you are going through a stressful time, it can be very relaxing to do these things and help you get through the day, week, month, etc.
Taking a shower can be very relaxing because you can just enjoy how calm it is without having to think. Also listening to soothing music can be a good de-stresser as well.
Laying in bed, cuddled up, watching Netflix or reading an enjoyable book, aka not required for school, can help you calm down. Using a facial mask can also be physically relaxing as it opens your pores and makes your face feel fresh.
You could also go to the gym or go for a run, it can be physically relaxing, as well as tiring, but you will automatically feel happier and in a better mood and less stressed. Working out can be one of the best things for stress because it makes you feel happier, and it puts you in a motivated mood. Drinking lots of water can help your body feel fresh again. Eating a healthy snack such as an apple with peanut butter. Eating healthy and working out will make you feel better and help you be more positive.
When I get overwhelmed with school and people sometimes, I go through my social media and unfollow negative people. Go through your Facebook and delete people that you barely know, you should only share your stuff with people you are friends with. Cleaning out your social media and deleting posts that are negative or could look bad can help you feel better about yourself and put you in a better mood.
Be productive. If you are stressed about school, get the work done! Write a to-do list and set goals and times to get everything done, if you need to clean your room, do it. You will feel so much better after you get it done, you will be able to see your floor, and find your clothes quickly (I need to do this). After getting the things you need to do done, you will feel proud of yourself, and can reward yourself by going to the movies, or hanging out with your friends. It is better to get the stressful stuff done first because if you hang out with friends before doing it, you will be focused on the stressful stuff and it will take away from your fun.
Staying on top of your homework can prevent stress and in the case of things coming up and preventing you from doing homework, you will still have time to do it, without getting stressed. Doing your homework ahead of time, not the night before it's due, can save so much stress. I know you don’t want to do it, but try doing your homework on Friday night instead of Sunday night, I bet you will enjoy the weekend a lot more because you won’t be thinking about how much homework you have to do.