Everyone has heard of all of the cleanses out there: The Juice Cleanse, The Master Cleanse, Skin Cleanse, so many detox diets that it's hard to keep them all straight. But there is one cleanse that is nearly unheard of, but yet the most important when maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The Ultimate Psychological Cleanse.
For this cleanse, you don't have to live off of spinach or bathe in charcoal, but you will have to eliminate all of the toxins in your mind and life. It might sound a little too 'flower child' for your comfort, so here is a step by step list of how to cleanse yourself mentally.
1. Focus on the positive surroundings
Every day you are surrounded by things that can immediately affect your mood: getting a text from that cute boy, running late to class, spilling your coffee on your new white shirt, etc. A lot of these things you cannot really control: so instead, focus on what exactly makes you happy and surround yourself with it. Your best friend, a certain place in the library, listening to a certain playlist while walking to class, anything! Figuring out exactly what things make you happy is the first step of detoxing that cluttered mind.
2. Out with the bad sh*t
That guy that only hits you up at 2 am on Saturday nights? Those friends that don't love you and all your dumb decisions? The dumb show on Netflix that you watch when you should be studying for that next exam? GET RID OF IT! You don't need any of that negativity in your life. Organize your life so that you are only surrounded by good things and people that encourage and support you. Out with the bad and in with the new amiright.
3. Fix that mental planner
Your life is crazy and full of clutter that you don't need. Start planning out your days, from waking up to showering to sleeping. The more specific your schedule is, the more organized you will feel, and the more positive your days will be. Don't leave any time for that negative juju that has been clouding your mind lately.
4. Spend time focusing on yourself
The best way to cleanse your lifestyle is to focus on self-love. As cheesy as it sounds, you can never really focus on anyone else until you learn to fully love yourself. Take yourself on a date; do yoga, go to the gym, try a new restaurant, treat yourself to a new outfit, whatever you need to do to feel like the badass that you are. Take time for yourself.
5. Stick to your new lifestyle
The hardest part about cleansing your life is to avoid falling back into old habits.Organize your new life in a way that will make you never want to fall back into your old life. Surround yourself with positivity, and make a life for yourself that only encourages you to be your absolute best.