Cleaning your room, while being a tedious and repetitive form of drudgery one never escapes, works wonders for your mental wellbeing. The logic behind this is simple: your physical space is representative of your mental space. By clearing the clutter around you, you can begin clearing the clutter inside you.
All that being said, it is incredibly hard to begin clearing your physical clutter when your mental clutter seems to be weighing you down. At our lowest, we think it's easier to contribute to the pile of laundry until it reaches Mount Everest - level proportions because confronting its size is intimidating. We would rather avoid the problem and contribute to its prevalence rather than acknowledge it and rectify the mistakes. It's a vicious cycle which is inescapable until you escape.
Luckily, it is possible. Taking one small step ultimately snowballs into a clean room and a calm mind. Start by making your bed immediately when you get up - your room will feel six times cleaner, and you won't be able to spend your whole day lying in bed contemplating your existence. Or, keep a recycling bin next to your desk instead of across thcan resist the temptation of throwing papers on the floor and neverf returning to your desk. Or, make a habit of always taking out one cup or plate back to the kitchen eery time you leave your room.
Although these actions seem small, over time they'll transform your room into looking borderline habitable. Another idea would be to set aside fifteen minutes at the end or the beginning of the day to clean your room, and for introspection. Cleaning is a mindless enough task that it allows you to delve into your own thoughts without distraction, which is necessary but difficult when your phone is next to you and you're lying in bed. This will guarantee you fifteen minutes of alone time every day, allowing you to center yourself with the help of a loose routine.
In the end, we all know the truth, we're just unwilling to admit it. Our moms were right, and we should be cleaning our rooms right now.