Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate: The End of the Losing Streak | The Odyssey Online
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Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate: The End of the Losing Streak

Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate: The End of the Losing Streak

As dead week closed and we all settled down and headed home for the long and much deserved Thanksgiving weekend, not everybody’s head was entirely at rest. It was, after all, the week leading up to the Georgia-Georgia Tech football game.  

The rivalry dates back to Nov. 4, 1893 when Georgia Tech beat Georgia, 28-6 at their first meeting. Entering this year's game, Georgia boasted a five-game winning streak in the series, including a heartbreaking (for Tech fans) double overtime victory last year that had both sides on the edges of their seats. 

How we felt while slowly and painfully watching that win slip out of our fingertips was at the front of our minds this year in Athens. Especially after we tied the game at 24-all on a last-second field by Harrison Butker, scored a TD on the first possession of OT and picked off a pass on the Bulldogs' possession to seal the 30-24 win.

After a hard-fought loss to Florida State in the ACC title game, Tech is now off to the Orange Bowl on New Year's Eve, against Mississippi State. A win there would be oh-so sweet -- almost as sweet as ending a losing streak to our longtime, in-state rivals.

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