First off, lets start by defining some terms. Race is the political classification of people by their physical characteristics. Ethnicity is the political classification of people by alleged culture characteristics. Nationality is the political classification of people, usually by citizenship, meaning being part of a country’s nation. We are taught that these classifications are socially constructed, but are they really? Can we honestly say that, as a society, we all came together and created these ideologies? No, unless you are referring to government officials when saying “society.” Classification is a political act of government. The government implements these titles. To show for it, we are given identification cards, census burials and passports. When flying on a plane you can not just refuse to show your passport and claim you believe in a world “Sin fronteras,” without frontiers, or call the whole system BS. You are literally forced to comply to these political classifications.
You might be asking yourself, “What is the purpose of these classifications?” The purpose is to give some races, ethnicities or nationalities a position in which they get more legal rights and protections and conversely, to deny legal protections to others. When denying the others the protection of law, it makes them more vulnerable to exploitation. The purpose of having these classifications is, racism, its self. Societies have many different ways in which to classify their ranks of hierarchy, here in America, privileges belong to those classified under the term “white.” Till this day, racism is operating under the laws of the government. We continuously fight with one another because we are taught to believe that racism solely lives in the minds of individuals. Don't get me wrong, it’s not that people cant be racist, but that is actually the result of living in a society running under a system that teaches them that this is right. This is not an interpersonal relation problem, it is a public health crisis.
Many people reject the idea of current day racism, although we have made some progress, racism is still alive and well. Starting with the day we are born, we are affected by racism. For example, infant mortality rate in America is extremely high and you will learn that it is because of the mortality rate among colored babies. When categorized by race or ethnicity, you will see that, if an infant would like to maximize her or his options of making it to their first birthday, their odds are a lot better if they are born white.
"If you do not want to be targeted, harassed, arrested, or shot by the police, it helps to be white.
If what you want is a way to maximize your chances of getting a good an education, job, a nice home, higher income, or more wealth, it helps to be white.
If you do not want to be imprisoned, or executed it also helps to be white."
- Professor O'Connell
If you look at median white wealth compared to median minority, the disparities aren't a couple thousand dollars, its more. America claims to be about equality and justice for all, but this inequality is not happening by accident. This is the way the system is set up in order to keep certain groups in power, while the rest suffer. This is not the aftermath or the consequence of structural racism this is a result of the current deliberate policies taking place. We need to unite, we are all brothers and sisters. There is clearly a crisis going on in America that desperately needs attention. Minorities can continue to beg for change, but until those in power realize that change is needed, we will not progress peacefully. History has taught us that change does not come until after blood has been shed, but we shouldn't be resorting to violence for change. We are so much better than that.
-Based on the lectures of University of California’s Sociology Department, Professor Charles T. O’Connell