Buying Christmas presents is HARD. I'm sure we can all relate. Sometimes you don't know what to get people and even if you do, you don't want to go overboard and spend a thousand dollars on them, so here are a few cheap ideas from our FAVORITE place... aka Target.
1. ScarfĀ
Not gonna lie, it's cold af outside this time of year. A scarf covers up a part of the body that doesn't normally get covered up regularly.
2. Something for their pet
Dog's get cold too, get them booties for their feet
A dog bandanna? CUTE.
A new leash? ADORABLE
3. Bath AccessoriesĀ
Bath fizzers.
Bath bombs.
Bath salts.
4. Travel Mug
We SURVIVE off of caffeine. I'm not a coffee drinker, however, I am able to find a source of caffeine in chais.
But I am also a broke college student who loves to save the environment. Travel mugs give you a discount AND save the environment. It's a win-win situation.
6. Gift Card
Whether you buy a gift card to Target or get one there for a coffee shop, we will be internally grateful.
7. Fuzzy Blanket
Any color, any size, any degree of fluffiness, I will never have too many blankets.
8. Advent CalendarĀ
Who doesn't love a countdown for the holidays?
You could literally use this for any holiday (as long as it comes before the 25th)
9. Fuzzy Socks
10. Beauty Kit
Dare I speak too soon.
11. Ugly Sweater
Try and tell that walrus that this ISN'T the cutest ugly sweater you've ever seen.
13. PajamasĀ
Pajamas for everyone in the family, even the pooch!
14. SoapĀ
Something that smells good and gets the job done.
15. Gingerbread Kit
Who doesn't want to build together a mini village only to destroy it and eat it all up.
16. Stuffed Animal
Does your Secret Santa love "Moana?" Give them this perfect Hei Hei stuffed animal. If not? Still get it for them, because Hei Hei is adorable.
17. CD
You could get them an actual CD of an artist they love... oooor you could get this hilarious "Bob's Burgers" album.
18. PillowĀ
Just a tiny pillow to get you in the mood for the holiday's.