How To Survive College During A Heat Wave | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Survive The First Week Of Classes In A Heat Wave

Showing up to your first round of classes a dripping, sweating mess is so not hot.


There's nothing like experiencing your first week back at school and trying to get adjusted while battling 95-degree heat.

1. Stay inside as long as possible

Try and soak up as much AC as you can while indoors and spend any excess time in the coolest places you can find on campus.

Pro tip: while traveling from class to class, walk through every easily accessible building to avoid the heat when possible. This way if you're new to campus, you can multitask by exploring and getting to know each building or alternative routes.

2. Stay hydrated

This point seems silly, but it's important to not forget to bring and drink water. It's easy to become stressed and overwhelmed, and soon enough you're so busy you become dehydrated.

3. Avoid exertion at all costs

Do whatever you can to do as little as possible. When it's too hot to function, just don't. Instead of walking all over campus with a heavy backpack while drenched in sweat, use other sources of getting around, whether it be by bike, bus, etc.

4. Don't stress to dress

When it's scorching hot outside, it's not worth it spending time getting ready doing hair that will fall out or makeup that will melt off. Everyone is in the same condition, sweaty, tired, and a hot mess... emphasis on the "hot," so, therefore, you can dress as cool and comfortable as you want, and no one will really notice. Besides, athleisure is in!

5. Find your biggest fans

If you're living in dorms with no air conditioning and having to sleep half-naked, the first couple of months at school are brutal. Surround yourself with lots of standing or window fans, and invest in a cushioned ice pack (some come in eye-mask form) that you can freeze during the day in your mini fridge or freezer and then sleep with at night on your face or behind your neck to keep cool.

Pro tip: if you sleep with Vicks Vapor Rub on the back of your neck it helps to keep you cool at night in a stuffy dorm room.

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