Let’s face it we’ve all been there. We’ve snoozed our alarms, forgot to set one, or slept through them and awoken with a jolt only to find out class starts in 5 minutes or less. Now there’s about three ways to go about this
1. Go in your PJ’s
Welcome to college a place where no one cares if you show up to class in pjs—unless your presenting. If need be wear your pajamas to class, it’s better than not showing up for class at all. Plus, we only get a couple of unexcused absences in our classes. Is it really worth it to waste one just because you woke up late? No, save it for when you need it.
2. Become The Flash
You jump out of bed and try to find something to wear. Why is it that when you really need it you can never find an outfit to just automatically put on. This makes me miss the days in grade school where my mom nagged me over and over to get my clothes out the night before. As we learned from Tangled “mother knows best” Somehow you find a somewhat functional outfit to wear awesome now you just have to grab the materials you need for class and hurriedly leave your dorm – without leaving your ID and key. Then you make your way to class the fastest way you know how to. You may arrive a couple of minutes but tardiness is better than an absence any day right?
3. Roll over and go back to sleep rather than draw attention
Now this is an option that I wouldn’t recommend but hey sometimes it happens. You wake up realizing you only have a few moments to spare until class begins. You lay there pondering your options. The next time that you check the time class has already begun. You ponder if you’d still go and be super late. Then you think about the awkward moment of you trying to sneak until class quietly and having every single eye glued to you as you try to slip into your seat obviously no in an unnoticed manner. You end up turning over and setting an alarm so that you have enough time to prepare for your next that class so that you don’t miss that one as well.
I know this is just one of the legit college struggles but all we can do is give it our all take it one step at a time-- well it's never really just one step is it?