Dear Class of 2020,
I know right now is a very exciting time. You are getting the last of your dorm room things and spending the last few days with your family and friends from home. You are about to embark on a wonderful journey called college. This is an exciting time of your life and I remember what it felt like. It is okay to feel excited, scared, and nervous all at the same time. I'd figure I would share some advice with you to help you through this transition.
First of all, do not get frustrated with yourself when you lose touch with the friends from high school. It will happen no matter how close you were. Don't get me wrong, there will be high school connections that stick with you but you will also stop talking to some of those people you knew in high school. It will be okay. You will meet so many people in college and so will those from high school. Everyone goes down a different path so do not get frustrated.
The first week is overwhelming. Your classes might not be hard the first week, after all it is syllabus week, but there is so much going on around you. It is easy to get overwhelmed when trying to figure out which clubs to join and get to know the campus you're living on. Find people to get lost with. Everyone is confused the first week and I promise you it will not hurt to ask questions to try and get where you are going. Most schools will have welcome tables the first few days. This is a great resource for if you get lost.
Your friend group might change throughout your college experience. Again, this is okay! It took me three years to find my close group of friends. Each person I met taught me something that I didn't know so I am very thankful to have had them in my life. However, I am so glad I have found the ones who I can travel with and spend many memories while also getting a degree!
You will have many different opportunities in college. I suggest trying to go to a conference because these are great networking opportunities. I go to one specific conference every year and it's so much fun! Also, try to study abroad. I went to England for 2 weeks over a winter break and it was such an eye opening experience. I never knew how big this world is until I traveled it.
College is an exciting time and I hope you make the most of it. It goes by so fast- take it from a senior. Live every moment. I choose to live by the song "I Lived" by OneRepublic because I feel like it accurately describes this time of life. Spread your wings and fly because you still have the safety net of your friends and family during this time. Enjoy this transition because while it can be tricky, you make so many new memories along the way.
A College Senior