As women, as humans, in modern society, we're expected to present ourselves appropriately in public. Shower regularly, brush your teeth, be polite, work hard and contribute to society, etc. Of course, there are some occasions where we should put more effort into how we dress, such as the workplace or a wedding. However, when you're paying thousands of dollars to get an education, you should be able to wear what you want without much judgment from your peers.
What you wear to class should not be an indicator of your work ethic or self-worth. It just means that at the moment, your priorities are in a different place. Personally, I regularly enjoy putting effort into how I look inside and outside of class. It makes me feel more confident and more ready to take on the day. But I also know that the girl sitting next to me may feel just as confident in sweats with a bare face. There are so many other ways to express yourself that don't include the way you look.
What about the girl out there on the pre-med track, working and studying for hours every day? What about the girl taking a full-time course load and working two jobs to pay for it? Or the girl struggling with inner demons who has to work hard enough just to get out of bed and come to class in the first place?
There are so many reasons why someone may not be able to or may not want to spend their energy "looking cute" for class.
Some people just feel more comfortable, more themselves in sweats and that. Is. Okay. It doesn't mean they're lazy, and it doesn't mean they don't care about what other people think of them (everyone does).
As little girls, we grow up with signals flashing everywhere telling us that if we want to be beautiful and successful, we must have perfect skin and hair, the newest clothes, and a "skinny" body. Why is it that as grown women, we need to send the same damaging signals to each other?
Now more than ever, people need to build each other up and support each other instead of judging them for something as simple as their clothing choice.