Having anxiety can be difficult no matter what, but being a student can make it even harder. Not only do you have the stress and anxiety involving your school work, but just being in class makes you worry about every single move you might make. If you have anxiety or are just an anxious person, there is no doubt these are 6 thoughts you've had while sitting in class.
When the teacher asks a question or for example you might be eager to answer, but you sit there contemplating it. You get nervous that what you’d say might sound stupid or an obvious answer. You wonder if people in the class will think you’re a nerd for answering questions or a teacher’s pet. There is no easy way to talk yourself into speaking up in class but once you do, you’ll still think about how it went, what you could do better, etc.
Going to the bathroom.
Sometimes you just have to go to the bathroom in class but for you, it’s not as simple as getting up and going to the bathroom. You’ll sit there for awhile trying to build up the courage to walk about. You don’t want to be rude and leave class nor do you want EVERYONE see you walk right by the professor and out of the door. This is where groupwork time comes in handy: you can slip out quickly before anyone notices.
Rustling around.
You are probably the only student to sit very still in class. Anytime you rustle around you get really nervous you’ll be too loud and distract other students or draw attention to yourself. You are always trying to be as quiet as possible whether you have to blow your nose, sneeze, or take a sip or water.
You try not to eat or drink in class because you are so nervous you’ll be too loud. However, sometimes you just have to do it because you are starving. Even then, you still get all sorts or nervous about it. You try to chew as slowly and quietly as possible. You also wonder if the professor gets annoyed when you eat.
Asking a question.
Whether you have a question for the professor or need them to slow down, building up the courage to ask is so hard. Yes it is similar to participating, but it can be so much worse. You don't want to be THAT student who asks them to slow down. You're afraid they might get insulted or annoyed with you. You also are nervous to ask questions because you don't want your peers to think you're lame or asking a stupid question. You honestly probably wait until the end of class or office hours to ask a question.
Taking notes.
Taking notes is normal in class, but not when you have anxiety. You start to take notes of everything you can because you're afraid you'll miss something important for an exam or quiz. But then you start to wonder if people think you're a nerd for taking notes when the rest of the class isn't. You also wonder if people see you color coding and neatly outlining your notes. It's hard to take notes when all of these questions run through your head, but you keep taking notes because then you'll be better prepared for the exam.