I'm a city girl.
I love the city.
I love the energy of a city.
Yet, I love getting away from the hustle and bustle every once in a while.
I grew up in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary. This energetic city boasts tons of fun things to do, especially in the summer months. As a popular tourist destination too, it gets crowded pretty fast. In addition to cars and other points of pollution, this can become cumbersome and overwhelming. I wouldn't change anything about where I grew up. I was surrounded by copious amounts of culture both local and foreign, made friends from all over the world and experienced things only city kids experience. These range from the nightlife, culture and a more fast-paced feeling of living in a city.
When I began to think about colleges, I didn't want to be anywhere but a major city. I knew I wanted to be surrounded by culture, lots of people and the overall energy of a city. I wanted to be in the hub of industry and the market to start my career in public relations.
I love living in the city of Chicago and being surrounded by all that it offers, yet there was always something missing. I couldn't pinpoint it until a camping trip a couple of years ago. I remember stepping out of the car, and thinking, I can breathe! It was a moment of clarity that hit me like a ton of bricks: I'm a city girl who loves the country. Most of all, I love being out in nature and experiencing the things from which city kids are isolated.
Don't get me wrong, I love big cities. They have an infectious energy and give you your fill of cultural experiences. Yet, there is something magical about leaving the city for the country or the woods. Taking a break from the hectic energy of the city is not only beneficial but eye-opening.
You get to remember you're an individual person and the world truly is bigger than your immediate experiences and knowledge. You're also able to take the chance and simply 'be' without any pressing concerns. Being surrounded by nature provides a clarity of mind like no other. Nature is also one of the best learning tools. Immersing yourself and understanding the forces of nature helps you appreciate its force and importance. Moreover, learning basic skills in nature, like building cordage is something I wouldn't have experienced in the city. I love the ability to learn from and about nature because I truly never know when those skills will come in handy. Giving yourself the chance to breathe, reflect and relax in a place devoid of hectic energy helps you heal from the stressors of a city.
I will always love living in the city. I will always love the energy of a city and the plethora of people and experiences found in the city. Though, my love of nature and the country will never die down and I will keep escaping the city to find some peace, clarity of mind, and different experiences.